UK luxury hotel turns food waste into gourmet meals.


Hilton Hotels Goes Zero Waste in UK Locations to Tackle Food Waste Crisis

In a groundbreaking move, Hilton Hotels, one of the world’s largest hotel chains, is taking a stand against food waste by introducing a zero and low waste menu at their UK locations. This initiative comes as part of their efforts to commemorate Stop Food Waste Day and address the alarming statistic that one billion tonnes of food is wasted globally each year, with a quarter of it coming from the food service industry.

To mark this important day, leading chefs at Hilton hotels in London, Manchester, and Brighton have curated a special zero waste menu. Not only that, but they have also shared valuable tips to help households reduce their food waste. This is crucial, considering that in Europe alone, 20% of all food produced goes to waste. Shockingly, the average household in the UK wastes a staggering 163 pounds of food annually, resulting in 10 million tonnes of food waste and a mind-boggling £19 billion in losses.

While individuals can contribute to lowering these numbers through simple actions like reducing portion sizes and making smarter shopping choices, the hospitality industry itself plays a significant role in food waste. Hilton Hotels recognizes this and is taking proactive steps to address the issue.

Paul Bates, one of the chefs involved in creating the zero waste menu, believes that certain practices have been lost in the industry over the years. By involving younger chefs in this initiative, he hopes to revive these practices and make a positive impact. The menu itself features unique recipes that utilize often overlooked ingredients, such as potato peels, ox and chicken hearts, nettles, and leftover bread. These ingredients are transformed into delicious dishes, like a potato peel risotto and a vegetable korma made from leftover veggies.

However, the star of the show is undoubtedly the bread and butter pudding. This delectable dessert is made using an assortment of leftover breads from the hotel breakfast bar, paired with blueberries and fudge. The result is a mouth-watering treat that hides its humble origins.

Hilton Hotels’ zero waste menu is a testament to their commitment to sustainability and their dedication to reducing food waste. By taking this bold step, they are setting an example for the hospitality industry and showing that it is possible to make a difference. So, the next time you visit a Hilton hotel in the UK, indulge in their zero waste menu and be part of the solution to the global food waste crisis.

Chefs’ Clever Tricks to Reduce Food Waste

Leftover ingredients can be transformed into delicious new dishes, according to chefs. Paul, a renowned chef, shared his insider tips on how to make the most out of what’s left in your fridge. For example, if you have leftover roast chicken, simply microwave a few drumsticks, add some curry sauce, and voila! A quick and tasty meal. Herbs, like coriander, are often wasted, but they can be used to make marinades or dressings. Don’t forget to freeze them too, using ice cube trays for easy storage.

To reduce your own food waste, Paul advises against shopping on an empty stomach. Instead, try using your ingredients in different ways throughout the week. Get creative and make a vegetable bhaji with leftover asparagus trimmings. Roast a whole head of cauliflower, make a delicious hummus, and top it off with crispy fried cauliflower leaves. As chefs, we have the power to lead the charge for sustainable dining and positive change.

Emma Banks, vice president of F&B strategy and development at Hilton, believes that conscious dining is not just a passing trend, but a deeply ingrained value. The launch of new menus at Hilton is another step towards fighting global food waste. By making small changes as individuals, we can also save money in the long run. Here are some tips to make your food shop last longer:

– Plan meals in advance to avoid buying unnecessary ingredients.

– Store leftovers properly to extend their shelf life.

– Get creative with recipes and find new ways to use ingredients.

– Freeze herbs and other perishable items in ice cube trays for easy access.

– Avoid shopping on an empty stomach to prevent impulse buys.

With these tips, you can join the fight against food waste and enjoy delicious meals while saving money.