AI creates unrealistic body standards for women.


AI Beauty Contests: The Rise of Unrealistic Beauty Ideals

In a shocking turn of events, social media platform Fanvue is set to host the first Miss AI contest, rivaling popular platform OnlyFans. This competition will feature digital creators from around the world vying for a $5,000 prize while perpetuating toxic beauty standards.

For those of us who didn’t grow up bombarded by constant images of the “ideal” woman, it may be difficult to grasp the detrimental effects of social media on young women today. Studies have shown that the relentless exposure to these images has a severe impact on mental health and body image. Introducing an AI beauty contest will only exacerbate these issues.

Furthermore, this contest serves as another example for critics of artificial intelligence. While AI has the potential to save lives and revolutionize various industries, it is disheartening to see it being used to create unrealistic women with exaggerated features, such as huge breasts.

It is worth noting that the winners have yet to be determined, and there is a glimmer of hope that the organizers may choose to promote body positivity and diversity. However, based on the evidence thus far, it seems unlikely. AI-generated women tend to conform to a narrow beauty standard, with symmetrical faces, flawless skin, and thin bodies. This perpetuates the Western male gaze and sets an unattainable ideal for young girls and women.

Unlike traditional pageants, where contestants have the opportunity to showcase their talents and accomplishments, these hopefuls have little to offer beyond their looks. Past winners of real-life pageants have been accomplished ballet dancers, musicians, and scientists. In contrast, the focus of the AI beauty contest remains solely on physical appearance.

Adding to the concern, two of the “judges” in this contest are also AI-generated women who fit the same unrealistic beauty standards. One of them, Aitana Lopez, is touted as Spain’s “first AI model” and earns her creator a substantial income by modeling clothes for her Instagram followers.

As we enter the era of AI beauty contests, it is crucial to question the impact they have on society. By promoting unattainable beauty ideals and undermining the potential of artificial intelligence, we risk further damaging the mental wellbeing of young women and perpetuating harmful stereotypes. It’s high time we prioritize promoting body positivity, diversity, and the true potential of AI.

AI-influencer Emily Pellegrini has gained attention for her realistic and attractive appearance, with footballers, billionaires, and tennis players reportedly sliding into her DMs. The creator of Emily aimed to make her likeable and relatable, keeping her as authentic as possible. However, this situation highlights the irony of AI influencers becoming so popular.

Fortunately, reports suggest that Aitana and Emily will not be the ones judging, but rather their creators. This is a relief, considering previous instances where AI judges were accused of racism. In a beauty contest in 2016, AI judges selected only one winner with dark skin out of 44 winners, revealing biases that AI still struggles with, particularly regarding race.

The issue of bias in AI extends beyond beauty contests and can be seen in facial recognition software. It is crucial to address these biases before deploying AI more widely in public life, including the justice system. Additionally, the internet is being taken over by a growing army of AI clones, particularly on social media. While some companies are actively promoting this trend, others are doing little to prevent it.

One well-known platform is reportedly considering launching its own army of AI influencers to capitalize on the lucrative advertising dollars currently going to real-life humans. However, the impact of social media and the proliferation of AI characters on young women is concerning. Research has shown that taking a break from social media for just a week can have a positive effect on teenage girls’ self-esteem and body image.

While it may be impossible to completely stop teenagers from using social media, constantly being exposed to 100% fake women and “thinspiration” can have the opposite effect on their self-perception. Furthermore, while young women are influenced by these AI ideals, the AI models themselves will never age. In an industry where youth is highly valued, brands no longer need to worry about their product’s face aging.

Meanwhile, children on social media are becoming increasingly obsessed with expensive anti-aging products they don’t actually need, as they try to delay the natural process of aging. This obsession stems from a warped sense of beauty perpetuated by AI influencers. However, it is important to recognize that this issue is not solely the fault of a single AI beauty contest, but rather a reflection of broader societal issues.

Whose Responsibility is it to Stop the Spread of Fake Women Online?

In the age of social media, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to determine who should take the blame for the proliferation of fake women online. While it’s important for platforms to clearly label AI-generated content, most users are already aware that the “real” photos they come across have been edited, airbrushed, or Photoshopped in some way. Unfortunately, this knowledge doesn’t prevent the gradual erosion of young girls’ self-esteem, and it’s hard to imagine that AI-generated content won’t have the same detrimental effect.

Moreover, there is no valid reason to prevent individuals from creating AI-generated women if they so desire. However, it’s worth considering whether we should refrain from offering large sums of money in exchange for these creations. By doing so, we not only contribute to the internet’s descent into shallowness, but also reinforce the notion that in 2024, women are still primarily judged based on their appearance. It’s a disheartening reminder that despite progress, society continues to reward superficiality.

In this so-called “beauty” competition, there may be a few winners, but I am certain that there will be far more losers. It’s time to question the values we uphold and the standards we set for ourselves and future generations. Let’s strive for a world where women are celebrated for their accomplishments, intelligence, and character, rather than solely for their looks.