UK’s most allergy-prone place revealed!


Bolton, located in the north of the UK, has been identified as the most allergy-prone town in the country. A study analyzed the average monthly search volumes for allergy-related keywords to determine which areas were most likely to suffer from hayfever. Bolton had the highest number of hayfever searches per 100,000 people, with the term ‘hives rash’ being the most popular search. Antihistamines and asthma were also commonly searched terms in the town. So, if you’re planning a visit to Bolton’s Smithills Hall, make sure to bring your allergy tablets.

Croydon, a borough in London, came in second place on the list of most allergy-prone areas. With 3,249 searches per 100,000 people, Croydon residents were actively searching for antihistamines and other allergy-related terms. Lincoln, located in the east of England, ranked third on the list, with a monthly search volume of 2,837 per 100,000 people. The term ‘pollen count’ was particularly popular in this area.

The Greater Manchester area and Bath also made it to the top five most allergy-prone locations in the UK. In Greater Manchester, there were 2,709 monthly searches for allergies, with a focus on pollen. In Bath, the search volume was slightly lower at 2,583, but residents were particularly concerned about hives and were actively searching for antihistamines.

The research also identified Bristol, Peterborough, Norwich, Leeds, and Stockport as areas with a significant population of allergy sufferers. However, if you’re looking for locations with fewer allergy problems, the southeast, particularly Oxford, seems to be the best bet. So, if you want to reduce your hayfever symptoms, consider heading to Oxford in the southeast of the UK.

Hayfever Symptoms

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City with Lowest Allergy Rates Revealed!

Hayfever is a common problem for many people, causing itchy eyes, sneezing, and a runny or blocked nose. But did you know that some cities in the UK have lower rates of allergies than others? According to recent data, Oxford has been named the least allergy-prone area in the country. So if you’re tired of dealing with hayfever symptoms, maybe it’s time to consider a move to this allergy-free city!

The Worst Cities for Allergies

While Oxford may be a haven for hayfever sufferers, other cities in the UK aren’t so lucky. Derby, for example, has a relatively low number of residents suffering from allergies, with only 412 searches for asthma, antihistamines, and hives. Kingston upon Hull and Cardiff tied for second place, with an average of 527 searches each. Nottingham wasn’t far behind, with 586 searches. So if you’re looking to avoid allergies, these cities may not be the best choice for you.

When Does Hayfever Season Start?

Hayfever season typically starts in March and lasts until May, although it can vary depending on the weather. Grass pollen is the most common trigger for hayfever symptoms, but tree and weed pollens can also cause problems. Peak irritability is usually between May and July, so if you’re prone to hayfever, make sure to be prepared during these months.

Tips for Hayfever Relief

If you’re tired of dealing with hayfever symptoms, here are some tips that may help:

1. Monitor pollen forecasts daily: Knowing when pollen counts are high can help you prepare for an attack. Pollen counts tend to be higher on warmer, drier days, so be extra cautious during these times.

2. Use Vaseline: The NHS recommends putting Vaseline around your nostrils to trap pollen and prevent it from entering your nasal passage.

3. Keep showering: Showering and washing your hair after being outside can help remove any pollen or allergens that may have attached to your body or clothes.

4. Dry your clothes indoors: While it may be less convenient, drying your clothes indoors can help minimize the amount of pollen that gets into the fabric.

By following these tips, you can hopefully find some relief from your hayfever symptoms and enjoy the outdoors without constantly sneezing and itching.