Morgan Spurlock’s Super Size Me changed McDonald’s forever!


Did McDonald’s suffer from the explosive 2004 documentary? (Picture: Roadside/Goldwyn/Kobal/Shutterstock)

It has been two decades since the release of Morgan Spurlock’s controversial documentary, Super Size Me, but how much did it truly impact the fast food giant?

Spurlock, a renowned documentary filmmaker, sadly passed away at the age of 53 due to complications of cancer, as announced by his family.

“Morgan gave so much through his art, ideas, and generosity. Today, the world has lost a true creative genius and a special man. I am so proud to have worked together with him,” said his brother Craig to Variety.

Spurlock rose to fame with the release of Super Size Me in 2004. The documentary aimed to shed light on the obesity epidemic in the US by showcasing Spurlock’s experience of eating McDonald’s meals for all three meals a day for 30 consecutive days.

During this experiment, Spurlock consumed an average of 5,000 calories per day and reduced his physical exercise to match the lifestyle of an average American. Whenever given the option to “super size” his meal, he willingly accepted.

By the end of the experiment, Spurlock claimed to have gained approximately 25 pounds (11 kilograms) and experienced depressive mood swings, liver dysfunction, and high cholesterol, causing concern among his doctors.

The impact of the documentary was significant, shocking the global audience. It was even nominated for an Academy Award and shown in schools across America.

In the film, Spurlock famously described the physical effects of consuming McDonald’s meals: “Now’s the time of the meal when you start getting the McStomachache. You start getting the McTummy. You get the McGurgles in there. You get the McBrick.”

However, the true impact of the documentary on McDonald’s and the reasons for its ongoing controversy 20 years later remain subjects of discussion.

How did McDonald’s respond to Super Size Me?

At the time of Super Size Me’s release in 2004, McDonald’s was already facing negative publicity. The documentary was inspired by a lawsuit filed in 2003 by teenagers Ashley Pelman and Jazlyn Bradley, who accused McDonald’s of contributing to their obesity. The case was partially dismissed, and its final resolution remains unresolved.

In response to the public scrutiny, McDonald’s introduced their Go Active! happy meals just before the release of Super Size Me. These meals aimed to provide healthier alternatives on the menu.

McDonald’s faced a wave of bad publicity during a time when they were already dealing with negative attention. They made the decision to remove super size options from their menus, but insisted it was unrelated to the release of the film. According to spokesman Walt Riker, the main reason for this change was menu simplification, as there was a low demand for super size fries. In an effort to improve their image, McDonald’s also launched a fitness campaign called ‘Every Step Counts’, where customers received a stepometer with every salad purchase. In the UK and Australia, the fast food chain defended its reputation through a campaign and even released an advertisement stating that they agreed with certain aspects of the film’s message. They acknowledged the argument that overeating and lack of exercise can be detrimental to one’s health.

McDonald’s attempted to counter the negative impact of the film by ensuring a balanced debate and presenting their side of the story. A spokesperson stated that they wanted people to hear their perspective. In 2010, Morgan Spurlock, the filmmaker behind ‘Super Size Me’, expressed his hope that fast food companies like McDonald’s would take more measures to provide nutrition information to customers. He criticized the difficulty of finding such information in McDonald’s stores at the time, suggesting that the company may not want consumers to know the true extent of the unhealthy nature of their food. Spurlock believed that people should be equipped with as much information as possible and be allowed to make their own choices.

While McDonald’s faced significant PR challenges, it is unclear whether the film had a direct negative impact on their profits. An article in the British Medical Journal reported that McDonald’s UK profits experienced a significant slump, reaching their lowest point in 30 years with a nearly three-quarters decrease. However, no other major profit drops were observed, and McDonald’s continues to dominate the fast food industry today. Despite the attention brought by ‘Super Size Me’, the company managed to maintain its position in the market.

McDonald’s Documentary Exposed: Shocking Revelations and Controversy Surrounding Super Size Me

In a stunning turn of events, the documentary that once shook the fast-food industry is now facing serious scrutiny. Super Size Me, the groundbreaking film by Morgan Spurlock, has been called into question following shocking revelations about the filmmaker himself.

But before we delve into the controversy, let’s rewind to 2014 when a school teacher from Iowa, John Cisna, released his own response to Super Size Me. Titled 540 Meals: Choices Make the Difference, Cisna’s documentary aimed to challenge the notion that fast food is inherently unhealthy.

In his experiment, Cisna consumed nothing but McDonald’s for six months, carefully monitoring his calorie intake and incorporating a daily 45-minute walk. Astonishingly, he claimed to have lost nearly 60 pounds (27 kilos) by the end of his McDonald’s-only diet.

Not only did McDonald’s confirm that Cisna’s response was independent, but they also appointed him as an official brand ambassador. His documentary even made its way into schools across the United States, further fueling the debate on fast food and its impact on our health.

However, the credibility of Super Size Me was called into question when Spurlock, the man behind the original documentary, admitted to struggling with alcoholism during its production. In a shocking #MeToo statement released in December 2017, Spurlock revealed allegations of rape and sexual harassment made against him. He also confessed to a lifelong battle with alcohol, admitting that he hadn’t been sober for more than a week in 30 years.

This revelation directly contradicts the narrative of Super Size Me, in which Spurlock tells his doctor that he is not currently consuming alcohol. The Wall Street Journal raised concerns about the veracity of the entire documentary and its results, given Spurlock’s troubled personal life.

Despite the controversy surrounding Spurlock, there is no denying the impact Super Size Me had on the fast-food industry. It remains an essential watch for anyone seeking to understand the history and influence of the McDonald’s corporation.

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