Gas canister explosion sends bin man diving for cover!



In a terrifying incident caught on CCTV, a binman narrowly escaped being hit by an exploding gas cannister. The incident, which occurred in Slough, Berkshire, has prompted homeowners to be more vigilant about disposing of rubbish correctly. The footage shows two men clearing bins on May 14 when a cannister suddenly flies through the air, forcing one of the workers to quickly duck out of harm’s way. Councillor Gurcharan Singh Manku of Slough Borough Council emphasized the importance of not placing gas cannisters in domestic bins and instead disposing of them for free at recycling centers. He expressed relief that the binmen were unharmed but warned of the potential danger to others if such incidents were to occur again.

The shocking incident serves as a stark reminder of the risks involved in improper waste disposal. Putting the wrong items in bins not only poses unnecessary hazards but also endangers the safety of binmen, as well as friends and neighbors. The near miss could have had devastating consequences had it not been for the quick reflexes of the binman. Councillor Manku urged everyone to prioritize the welfare of others and only dispose of items in their bins that are meant to be there.

This is not the first time such a close call has been captured on camera. Earlier this year, footage emerged of a similar incident where an out of control blade spun at high speed across a car park. Shane Reimche, who experienced the ordeal firsthand, recounted his terrifying experience at the Quick Trip Market in Oregon. He narrowly avoided being struck by the metal disc, taking cover behind the counter just in the nick of time. The incident left him shaken and petrified, with tears in his eyes throughout the night.

These incidents serve as a stark reminder of the potential dangers lurking in our everyday lives. It is crucial that we all take responsibility for proper waste disposal and prioritize the safety of ourselves and those around us. Let’s ensure that our bins contain only what they should and avoid unnecessary risks that could have serious consequences.