Flight attendant’s tip: Always throw water bottle under hotel beds.



Travelling alone can be nerve-wracking, especially when it comes to staying in unfamiliar hotel rooms. But fear not, because a flight attendant has shared a game-changing tip to put your mind at ease. Esther Sturrus, who works for KLM airline, took to TikTok to reveal her invaluable trick. The secret? Always throw a water bottle under the bed as soon as you arrive. This simple act allows you to check for any potential intruders without even looking. If the bottle rolls out on the other side, you’re in the clear. However, if it doesn’t, it may be wise to exercise caution.

Of course, it’s important to remember that an obstruction under the bed doesn’t always indicate the presence of an intruder. It could simply be where spare sheets are stored or a result of not throwing the bottle hard enough. Nonetheless, taking this extra step can provide peace of mind and ensure a better night’s sleep. So, next time you check into a hotel room, don’t forget to give this genius hack a try. Your safety is worth it!

ESTHER’S HOTEL HACKS: A flight attendant has shared a genius hotel hack that will change the way you travel forever. Esther, who has years of experience in the industry, revealed the secret to clearing a steamed-up mirror in your hotel bathroom. All you need is a hairdryer! Simply aim the hairdryer at the mirror and watch the steam disappear. It’s a game-changer!

But that’s not all. Esther also shared a clever trick for keeping your toothbrush clean and hygienic. Just turn over a paper cup and poke a hole in the bottom. Then, place your toothbrush in the hole and voila! You have a convenient and germ-free way to store your toothbrush. It’s so simple, yet so effective.

Esther’s followers were quick to praise her tips, with one person calling them “super useful.” Another person said that a new fear had been “unlocked” by Esther’s revelation. And a third person described the hacks as “crazy.” It’s clear that Esther’s hotel hacks have struck a chord with travelers everywhere.

In addition to her hotel hacks, Esther also shared some insider tips on how to have the best possible flight. According to Hannah Murphey, a former flight attendant, the key to getting upgraded and treated like royalty is to be kind and friendly to the cabin crew. A smile and eye contact can go a long way. Showing interest in the crew and being kind instead of demanding can make a huge difference in your flying experience.

On the topic of seating, former flight attendant Daisy White suggests choosing a seat just forward of the wing for a more comfortable flight. Avoid sitting near the toilets or galleys, as they can be smelly and noisy. If you have the option to choose your seats, opt for the front of the plane. Not only will you experience less turbulence, but there’s also a perk during mealtimes.

So, next time you’re traveling, remember Esther’s hotel hacks and insider flight tips. They could make all the difference in your journey. And always remember, a little kindness goes a long way.