Cannes Film Fest’s Crazy Obsession with Standing Ovations


Kevin Costner’s latest film became an unexpected example of deception at the Cannes Film Festival. Despite the criticism it receives, the festival continues to time and report on the duration of standing ovations. This year, movie enthusiasts worldwide were captivated by the lengthy ovations at Cannes for films such as Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, The Apprentice (a biopic about young Donald Trump), and Horizon: An American Saga. Although this practice occurs at other festivals like the Venice International Film Festival, Cannes seems to be the main culprit. The applause, whether enthusiastic or merely polite, is meticulously monitored from the film’s premiere. However, this method of measuring a movie’s success seems outdated and unreliable. While applause is a traditional form of appreciation, using it to predict a film’s box office performance and overall reception is peculiar. Those who have experienced it firsthand can attest that the duration of a standing ovation holds no real significance.

The Cannes Film Festival has gained a reputation for its frequent standing ovations, with each premiere being meticulously timed and reported on. This has led to the creation of an unofficial and arbitrary ranking system for the movies. Jessica Fenton expressed her frustration, stating that the standing ovation times are reported like sports scores, even though they hold no meaning. She cited the example of the last Indiana Jones film receiving a five-minute standing ovation in 2023, only to flop afterwards. Producer Cassian Elwes also highlighted the prevalence of standing ovations at Cannes, noting that even critically panned films like The Brown Bunny received them. The passionate French cinephiles on the Croisette are known for their enthusiasm. Director and film fan Luca humorously remarked that every film at Cannes receives a seven-minute standing ovation, making it a true work of art to elicit boos instead.

One of the films that received a standing ovation was Megalopolis, directed by Francis Ford Coppola. However, it is unclear how much of the applause was due to the film itself and how much was attributed to Coppola’s comeback.

Film Premieres at Cannes: How Long Do the Standing Ovations Really Last?

At the Cannes Film Festival, standing ovations are a common occurrence. But just how long do these ovations actually last? It seems that there is some disagreement among publications about the exact duration of these applause-filled moments.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, their reporters start the clock when people jump to their feet, usually after the house lights come up. They stop timing when most people begin to sit down or when the film’s director is given the microphone. This method ensures that the ovation is measured from the moment it begins to when it starts to die down.

One film that received a lot of attention this year was Kevin Costner’s passion project, the first installment in his Horizon: An American Saga series. Reports varied on the length of the standing ovation for this film, with estimates ranging from seven to 11 minutes. Variety reported seven minutes, while Deadline went with 11 minutes, and People magazine believed it lasted for 10 minutes. Other films, such as Emilia Pérez’s genre-blending crime musical and Demi Moore’s bloody body horror The Substance, also received lengthy ovations, possibly lasting around 13 minutes.

It’s worth noting that almost every film at Cannes receives a standing ovation at its premiere as a sign of politeness and to celebrate the achievement of being screened at the prestigious festival. However, the length of the ovation can be influenced by factors such as the director taking the microphone to speak. Filmmaker Andrea Arnold, for example, thanked the audience for their applause but expressed a desire to go and party instead, which may have shortened the ovation to just seven minutes.

In conclusion, standing ovations at Cannes can range in duration, with reports varying depending on different markers for when to start and stop timing. Nonetheless, these ovations serve as a way to honor the films and filmmakers showcased at the festival.

Emilia Pérez received one of the longest standing ovations of 2024, possibly lasting 13 minutes. However, Nicolas Cage stole the show at the official screening of his latest film, The Surfer, with a roaring line that has become a meme. He encouraged the audience to chant the name of the film in unison, creating a frenzy that lasted for six minutes.

The ovation was captured on camera, with close-ups of each star and the cast and crew’s reactions. If you have a large cast, like in the film Megalopolis, you are already winning as it takes a long time for everyone to make it down the line. Cannes is known for appreciating comebacks, as seen with legendary director Coppola and his film Megalopolis.

Johnny Depp also received a warm reception at Cannes last year for his film Jeanne du Barry, with a seven-minute standing ovation. Festival director Thierry Frémaux welcomed him back with open arms after his legal troubles in recent years.

It’s important to note that a Cannes standing ovation does not necessarily indicate the quality or critical reception of a film. It does not guarantee success when the film is released in theaters or streamed worldwide. The longest standing ovation on record at Cannes was for Guillermo del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth in 2006, lasting a palm-punishing 22 minutes.

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Pan’s Labyrinth director Guillermo del Toro received the longest-ever recorded standing ovation at Cannes in 2006. The quality of his film is undeniable. Michael Moore’s documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 also earned a 20-minute ovation at Cannes, the second longest. In 2016, Nicolas Winding Refn’s The Neon Demon received a 17-minute ovation, despite inspiring walkouts and receiving mixed reviews. Lee Daniels’ 2012 film The Paperboy, featuring Nicole Kidman urinating on Zac Efron, made back less than a third of its budget. However, it still received a chunky 15-minute standing ovation at Cannes. It’s important to remember that every Cannes standing ovation should be taken with a hefty pinch of salt.

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