ASTRO PREDICTIONS: Find out your horoscope for March 26, 2024


What’s in store for you today? Pisces, what’s preventing you from your desires? Now is the time to figure it out. And, Virgo, you don’t have to do it alone – help comes in many forms. Ahead, you’ll find all the star signs’ horoscopes for today:


The Moon in diplomatic Libra makes convivial ties that could lead to exciting, positive and useful conversations. The more you link with others, join groups and pool ideas, the more productive the coming days and weeks can be. Even so, a more reflective influence may find you ready to reach out with a view to resolving issues that need some discussion and closure.


It’s time to set the scene for what’s to come. As dynamic Mars continues its journey through your social zone, you’ll be eager to make the most of any offers or opportunities. And if your lifestyle improves too, you’ll be even more delighted. Today’s lunar ties encourage you to stay on the pulse and see what you can discover that might bring about the breakthrough you desire.


Looking for ways to free up your time and explore new interests? You might even be looking for a job or career that allows you to work from anywhere. Pluto in your sector of travel and far horizons could intensify this desire, Gemini. And while you may be limited as to where you can go right now, things will change. Be prepared, as new adventures will soon show up.


Looking for ways to free up your time and explore new interests? You might even be looking for a job or career that allows you to work from anywhere. Pluto in your sector of travel and far horizons could intensify this desire, Gemini. And while you may be limited as to where you can go right now, things will change. Be prepared, as new adventures will soon show up.


If you’re discussing anything important, then the Lunar Eclipse in your sector of talk and thought suggests that those involved may be more emotional than usual. It could reach a point where logic goes out the window and conversations descend into arguments. Even so, you might also spot an opportunity that was hiding in plain sight, in which case, snap it up if it appeals, Leo.


Full Moons are great for shedding unnecessary baggage, so make use of today’s Lunar Eclipse to let go of something that’s burdened you for a while. It may be an emotional issue that’s causing you to indulge or splurge as a way to feel better about yourself. Now is the time to do something so you can get to the bottom of it and eventually resolve it. Need help? Go get it!

Libra: [no changes made]


The Lunar Eclipse in your sign might make you more emotional over the next day or so, which can affect your relationships. This could lead to impulsive decisions, whether related to an ongoing bond or a new romance. Your feelings may be unpredictable, so it’s best to wait until you feel calmer and at peace before making any important choices.


You’ll realize the importance of making time for yourself. It allows you to find your balance and settle your mind. Solutions to difficult problems may arise, bringing about the change you’ve been hoping for. Today’s Lunar Eclipse could also bring powerful dreams or a strong intuition that guides you towards taking action. Pay attention to any noticeable coincidences.


Attending an event could have a bigger impact on you than you expect. Today’s Lunar Eclipse might coincide with a meeting that turns your life around. However, be cautious about making impulsive commitments that you may regret later. Take your time and consider the consequences for yourself before making any decisions.


Events could have an impact on your career or your desire to progress. The Lunar Eclipse might bring an event that puts you in the spotlight. Use this opportunity to promote your skills, update your CV, and share your accomplishments. Something may happen that sets you on a new path. A conversation might introduce you to exciting ideas or options.


You may feel the need to redirect your goals and ambitions for the future. The Lunar Eclipse might inspire you to take action, especially if an opportunity seems tailor-made for you. Hidden things that can be useful or life-changing may come to light. You might discover something that opens up exciting possibilities for you.


The Lunar Eclipse in an intense zone signals a time for change. It encourages you to address any issues that have been holding you back from happiness and success. Eclipses prompt us to make bold moves that can bring significant shifts into our lives. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself ready for more. This lunar phase could give the green light to an intense desire of yours.