Andy Murray out for ‘extended period’ after rupturing ankle ligaments


Andy Murray’s summer farewell plans have been dealt a major blow as he revealed that he suffered ruptured ankle ligaments during his Miami Open defeat. The British tennis star called for an injury timeout during his match against Tomas Machac and continued playing despite the pain. A scan has confirmed the severity of his injury, which will require an extended period of recovery and rehabilitation. This setback is expected to sideline Murray for a while and could affect his plans for a retirement tour this summer.

Murray took to Instagram to share the news, stating that he suffered a full rupture of his anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) and a near full thickness rupture of his calcaneofibular ligament (CFL). He plans to consult with an ankle specialist upon his return home to determine the next steps. Murray acknowledged that this injury is a tough one to take but expressed his determination to come back when the time is right, even if it means playing with one hip and no ankle ligaments.

While Murray has not officially confirmed his retirement plans, he hinted that his match against Machac would be his last at the Miami Open. He has often alluded to the end of his career and expressed his fondness for the tournament, which he has won twice before. Murray described his departure from the court as emotional, as he had hoped to continue playing in Miami. However, he is now looking forward to the end of his career, giving his best in the upcoming months, and spending time with his family.

Miami holds a special place in Murray’s heart, as it has been his tennis home throughout his career. He has done a significant amount of training and preparation in the city and has a deep love for it. While Murray’s retirement plans are not yet set in stone, he has previously stated that he does not plan on playing much past this summer.