Anne Robinson, 79, dating Queen’s ex-husband, 84!


Anne Robinson, the TV presenter known as the ‘Queen of Mean’, has confirmed her relationship with Andrew Parker Bowles, the ex-husband of Queen Camilla. In an interview with Saga magazine, Robinson responded with a simple ‘Yes’ when asked about their relationship, but also urged people to mind their own business. Reports of their romance first surfaced at the end of last year, and now Robinson has officially confirmed that they are dating. The announcement coincides with her new role as an agony aunt for the publication.

Robinson, 79, spoke about returning to the dating scene in her seventies after being single for over a decade. She revealed that she had been out of the game for so long and attributed her cautiousness to not drinking. However, she emphasized the importance of taking risks, both personally and professionally, and encouraged others to do the same. She believes that even if things don’t go as planned, it’s not the end of the world.

The relationship between Robinson and Parker Bowles has been kept under wraps for some time. According to a source, they had been secretly together for eight months before the news broke. The couple wanted to maintain their privacy and avoid public attention. Despite their different backgrounds, the source revealed that they have a strong connection and enjoy each other’s company. Robinson, who is known for her assertiveness, reportedly gets along well with Parker Bowles and appreciates his sense of humor.

As Robinson and Parker Bowles continue their relationship, it seems that age has made dating easier for them. Robinson expressed that she is more selective about what she gets worked up about and believes that nothing matters that much anymore. She has reached a point where she accepts herself and others as they are, without the need for change.

Overall, Anne Robinson’s confirmation of her relationship with Andrew Parker Bowles has sparked interest and intrigue. The couple’s decision to keep their romance private for as long as possible has only added to the curiosity surrounding their union. As they navigate their newfound love, it remains to be seen how their relationship will unfold in the public eye.


In a shocking revelation, it has been reported that Queen Camilla and Andrew Parker-Bowles have managed to maintain a close friendship despite their past. According to a source, Princess Anne, Queen Camilla’s sister-in-law, is known to joke about her “new money” status, despite her privileged upbringing. It seems that Andrew has been a regular guest at Anne’s dinner parties, rubbing shoulders with the likes of former Prime Minister David Cameron. Anne’s beautiful 17th-century Cotswolds home serves as the backdrop for these glamorous gatherings.

Anne herself is no stranger to the limelight. She made history as the first female presenter of the popular Channel 4 quiz show Countdown, leaving her mark on the show with an impressive 265 episodes. Her career has been eventful, but her personal life has also been a topic of interest. She was previously married to Charles Wilson, a well-known journalist and newspaper executive. Their marriage ended in 1973. She later divorced her second husband, John Penrose, in 2007.

But let’s not forget about Andrew Parker-Bowles. He was once married to Queen Camilla, tying the knot in 1973. Together, they had two children, Tom and Laura. However, their marriage came to an end in 1995. Tragically, Andrew experienced further heartbreak when his second wife, Rosemary Pitman, passed away from cancer in 2010. Despite their past, it seems that Queen Camilla and Andrew have managed to maintain a friendship over the years.

It is worth noting that Andrew’s connection to royalty goes beyond his marriage to Queen Camilla. He was among the select guests invited to the King’s coronation, highlighting the enduring bond he shares with the royal family. In fact, it is rumored that author Jilly Cooper drew inspiration from Andrew and other aristocrats when creating the character of Rupert Campbell-Black in her novels Rivals and Riders.

In conclusion, despite the ups and downs of their personal lives, Queen Camilla and Andrew Parker-Bowles have managed to remain friends. Their continued connection is a testament to the enduring bonds that can exist, even in the most unexpected circumstances.