Kelly Osbourne rivela una lite esplosiva con Simon Cowell.


Simon Cowell reportedly had a change of heart about The Osbournes appearing on American Idol. Kelly Osbourne claims that just minutes before they were supposed to go on air, the X Factor boss had a tantrum and decided he no longer wanted her family – Sharon Osbourne, Ozzy Osbourne, and Jack Osbourne – on the show. In response, the American Idol crew removed the foursome from the set during a commercial break, causing an uncomfortable situation. Kelly shared this story on The Osbournes Podcast, addressing her family and revealing Simon’s actions.

During the podcast, Kelly recalled Simon’s words: “I don’t want them on the show.” Jack asked Sharon if Simon had ever mentioned the incident to her, but she replied that he had not. It seems that Simon may not even remember the outburst, as Sharon suggested. Kelly agreed, saying it was an awkward situation. The exact timing of Simon’s tantrum was not specified.

This incident follows Sharon’s recent comments about Simon while she was in the Celebrity Big Brother house. Sharon, who worked for Simon on The X Factor and America’s Got Talent, made cutting remarks about him during her time on the show. However, Simon did not take it personally and insisted that they were still friends. On the ITV reboot, Sharon stated that she would not return to either role for any amount of money and discussed how Simon tends to cut people off. She also claimed that Simon doesn’t know how to maintain friendships. Sharon and Louis Walsh, another former X Factor star, also joked about Simon’s fashion sense and his repetitive phrases on talent shows.

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Headline: Simon Cowell Opens Up About Controversial Relationship with Sharon and Louis

In una recente intervista, Simon Cowell ha affrontato le dure critiche ricevute da Sharon e Louis, suoi ex colleghi del popolare reality show. Nonostante le loro liti pubbliche, Cowell li considera ancora buoni amici.

Parlando con The Mirror, Cowell ha spiegato che la controversia è esattamente ciò che si aspettava quando ha assunto Sharon e Louis. Crede che la loro natura schietta faccia parte del loro fascino per gli spettatori.

Anche se le tensioni possono essere alte, Cowell ha rassicurato i fan che ha ancora un rapporto stretto sia con Sharon che con Louis. Ha sottolineato che possono contattarsi in qualsiasi momento, dimostrando che la loro amicizia è ancora intatta.

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