Will Smith discovers world’s biggest snake.



In a shocking turn of events, Hollywood superstar Will Smith has added another impressive achievement to his already extensive resume. Known for his roles in blockbusters like Independence Day and I Am Legend, Smith has now helped uncover a new species of giant anaconda in the Amazon rainforest.

This incredible snake, christened the northern green anaconda or Eunectes akayima, measures a staggering 7.5 meters in length and weighs hundreds of kilos, making it the largest and heaviest snake ever found. With a body as thick as a car tire and a head the size of a human’s, this anaconda is a true behemoth.

The discovery took place during the filming of a National Geographic series called Pole To Pole With Will Smith, set to be aired on Disney+. Smith and the production crew were joined by scientists on location in the Bameno region of Baihuaeri Waorani Territory in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Together, they captured and studied several of these massive snakes, with Smith himself even wading into rivers to assist in the capture.

Leading the team of scientists was Professor Bryan Fry from the University of Queensland. He expressed his gratitude to the Waorani people for their rare invitation to explore the region and collect samples from the anaconda population. According to the indigenous hunters, these snakes are considered sacred.

During their 10-day expedition, the team paddled canoes down the river system and were fortunate enough to find numerous anacondas lurking in the shallows, patiently waiting for their prey. While one of the female snakes they encountered measured an impressive 6.3 meters in length, the Waorani people claim to have discovered snakes stretching up to 7.5 meters and weighing 500 kilograms.

Professor Fry explained that the northern green anaconda species diverged from the southern green anaconda around 10 million years ago. Genetically, they differ by 5.5%, which is quite significant considering that humans differ from chimpanzees by only about 2%. The professor described this discovery as the highlight of his career, and it will undoubtedly be a standout moment in Smith’s upcoming series.

Aside from showcasing this groundbreaking discovery, the show will also shed light on the numerous threats faced by the Amazon and its indigenous peoples. Dr. Fry expressed his gratitude to Waorani Chief Penti Baihua for facilitating their journey into the heart of the Amazon, emphasizing that it was a true cross-cultural endeavor.

With this latest achievement, Will Smith continues to prove that there’s seemingly nothing he can’t do. From saving the planet to stopping zombie apocalypses, Smith’s talent and influence know no bounds.

Amazon Rainforest Faces Multiple Threats

The Amazon rainforest, known for its lush vegetation and diverse wildlife, is under significant threat. Deforestation caused by agricultural expansion has already resulted in the loss of 20-31% of the Amazon basin’s habitat, and experts predict that up to 40% of its forests could be affected by 2050. Land fragmentation caused by industrialized agriculture and pollution from oil extraction activities are also contributing to habitat degradation.

In addition to these challenges, forest fires, drought, and climate change are further putting the rainforest at risk. A recent study even suggests that the region could reach a “tipping point” by 2050, after which the entire system could collapse.

New Snake Species Discovered in the Amazon

In the midst of these threats, researchers have made an exciting discovery – a new species of anaconda. This distinct snake species, which is different from the previously known green anaconda, highlights the incredible biodiversity of the Amazon.

However, this discovery also underscores the urgent need for further research and conservation efforts. Professor Fry, leading the study, emphasizes the importance of understanding the impact of environmental threats on not just the anacondas but all living organisms in the region.

One pressing concern is the effect of petrochemicals from oil spills on the fertility and reproductive biology of these rare snakes and other keystone species in the Amazon. Professor Fry plans to focus his next research project on heavy metal pollution in the Amazon, highlighting the critical need for more studies to protect these threatened species and their ecosystems.

The study detailing the discovery of the new anaconda species has been published in the journal MDPI Diversity.

According to the Source metro.co.uk