What I Learned About My Health From Tongue Reading


What’s your flavor? Tongue reading may seem like a new age practice to some, but it has been a key component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for thousands of years. Jiaming Ju, 38, was introduced to tongue reading by her father, who ran a successful clinic in China. After initially studying longevity economics, Jiaming decided to retrain in TCM and now practices in LA.

According to Jiaming, Chinese medicine is similar to economics in that it involves asking questions and gathering data. Unlike Western medicine, TCM places a significant emphasis on a person’s subjective understanding of their health. Alongside diagnostic methods like tongue and pulse interpretation, patients are asked about their physical well-being and how they are feeling. Preventative treatments are also prioritized in TCM.

Jiaming started her company, KUN, and reads celebrities’ tongues on Instagram to make the complex and ancient practice of TCM relevant to the modern world. In an interview with the Mirror, she explained that the tongue serves as a diagnostic tool for various health conditions, reflecting not only oral health but also overall well-being. The color, texture, moisture level, and presence of coating on the tongue can provide valuable information about the body’s internal workings.

Despite my initial skepticism, I decided to learn more about how tongue reading works.

Tongue Diagnosis: What Your Tongue Reveals About Your Health

In Chinese medicine, tongue diagnosis is a powerful tool that can provide insights into your overall health. It is considered one of the four key diagnostic methods and can reveal important information about your digestive system and mental well-being.

According to Jiaming, a Chinese medicine practitioner, your tongue can also indicate your recovery progress. By observing the changes in your tongue, practitioners can determine how well your body is healing.

During a tongue diagnosis, practitioners pay attention to various factors such as color, marks, coating, size, and moisture level. These indicators can provide valuable clues about your body’s constitution and help determine the most effective treatments and lifestyle changes for you.

Your body constitution is influenced by a variety of factors including genetics, age, gender, mental state, and living environment. While many individuals have a combination of constitutions, most people have a dominant composition. These constitutions are associated with vital energy (Qi), Yin and Yang balance, and the flow of bodily fluids between organs. The goal is to restore equilibrium for optimal health outcomes.

There are nine major body constitutions in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Here’s a brief overview:

1. Ideal Constitution: This type is rare but highly desirable. It is characterized by a good complexion, healthy appetite, normal bowel movements, positive energy, and emotional stability.

2. Qi Deficiency Constitution: Individuals with this constitution often experience shortness of breath, lack of energy, susceptibility to colds and flu, and a pale tongue or complexion.

3. Yin Deficiency Constitution: People with this constitution may have poor sleep, a white coating on their tongue, loose stools, and spontaneous sweating.

4. Yang Deficiency Constitution: This constitution is associated with symptoms such as dry mouth and nose, constipation, insomnia, mood swings, and hot flushes/fever. The tongue is typically red with little or no coating.

5. Dampness Constitution: This constitution is characterized by a sticky coating on the tongue, slow pulse, sluggish metabolism, oily complexion, and excessive sweating or throat secretions.

6. Heat Constitution: Individuals with this constitution may experience acne, bad breath, a bitter taste in their mouth, dry stools, yellow urine, and a yellow tongue coating. They are also likely to be irritable and dislike humid, warm environments.

7. Blood Stasis Constitution: This constitution is identified by dull skin, purple lips and nails, body pains, easy bruising, a purple-hued tongue, and a forgetful or short-tempered nature.

8. Phlegm Constitution: Those with this constitution are typically slim and may experience heart palpitations, insomnia, and depression or anxiety. The tongue may have a purple color.

9. Allergic Constitution: This category is characterized by an inherent sensitivity or allergies to certain foods, drugs, smells, pollen, or other environmental allergens. Individuals with this constitution may experience symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, rashes, and fatigue.

Understanding your body constitution can help you make informed decisions about your health and well-being. By addressing imbalances and making appropriate lifestyle changes, you can work towards achieving optimal health outcomes.

EXCLUSIVE: Shocking revelations about the state of British tongues have emerged, as a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner exposes the hidden secrets behind our oral health. In a groundbreaking video call, Jiaming Ju, an expert in tongue analysis, revealed that most Brits suffer from a “cold” tongue, indicating a Yang deficiency and a high risk of chronic illnesses. But one brave individual, Jessica Lindsay, had her tongue analyzed after a wild weekend of drinking games and tapas, and the results were astonishing.

According to Jiaming, Jessica’s tongue showed signs of “liver fire,” a condition caused by an accumulation of energy and heat in the liver. This imbalance can have both physical and emotional effects on the body. Despite her weekend of debauchery, Jiaming assured Jessica that her health would not be greatly impacted. However, she did warn her about the potential consequences if she didn’t take steps to maintain her well-being.

In a surprising twist, Jiaming was able to accurately identify several symptoms and traits that Jessica had been experiencing for years, including excessive menstruation, dry skin, and headaches. She even pinpointed Jessica’s temperament, describing her need to release emotions when faced with troubles. It seems that Jessica’s “fire” must find an outlet before she can cool down.

But it wasn’t all bad news for Jessica. Jiaming’s analysis also revealed that she has a Yin-deficient body composition, which carries a lower risk of chronic illness. However, Jiaming advised her to make certain lifestyle changes to maintain her health. Cutting down on spicy foods and alcohol, engaging in regular exercise, prioritizing sleep, and managing stress were among the recommendations given.

In conclusion, this groundbreaking analysis of British tongues has shed light on the hidden health issues that many of us may be facing. It’s time to take a closer look at our tongues and make the necessary changes to ensure a healthier future. Stay tuned for more updates on this shocking discovery.

If it sounds like common sense guidance, that’s largely because it is. Within Western medicine, a red or glossy tongue can indicate a folic acid or vitamin B12 deficiency, and sores or scalloped teeth marks can signal stress. Essentially, while tongue reading may sound a little strange to us Brits, it’s far more like going to the doctor than having your tarot cards read.

TCM practitioners in the UK aren’t required to be accredited like they are in the US. Add to that our national reticence around alternative therapies and you can see why the industry has something of an image problem over here.

‘You’re not only crossing culture, you’re crossing a language barrier,’ says Jiaming. ‘But do I think people in the UK could potentially really benefit from it, especially for the elderly when it comes to acupuncture? Yeah, because one of the major benefits of acupuncture is pain relief.’

In California, people are much more receptive about holistic healthcare, probably bolstered by more stringent regulations for providers. Jiaming’s schedule is packed with clients paying $99 for a tongue reading, $310 for an hour-long consultation and personalised behaviour plan, and $640 for a monthly supply of customised herbal formulas – money her clients believe is well-spent.

Her ability to accurately discern a range of my traits and symptoms through a mere tongue selfie definitely has me convinced. But whether we’ll acquire a taste for the practice over here in Blighty? That all depends on whether we can open our minds (and mouths) to something different.