Undercooked bear BBQ leaves three hospitalized with infection


Black bears are a common sight in North America, but they are not commonly found on dinner plates. However, one unfortunate family discovered the dangers of consuming bear meat when they were served a meal of kebabs made with black bear meat during a family reunion in South Dakota in July 2022. The bear had been hunted in northern Saskatchewan, Canada, and stored in the freezer for 45 days before being grilled alongside vegetables. Unfortunately, the meat was not properly cooked as there was no meat thermometer available, and some family members noted that it was still rare. The meat was then recooked and served again.

Within days, several family members, including a 29-year-old man from Minnesota, fell ill. The man was hospitalized twice and experienced symptoms such as fever, swelling around the eyes, and severe muscle pain. Tests revealed a high level of white blood cells, indicating an infection. It was during his second hospital stay that doctors discovered the connection between the bear meat and the illness.

It was determined that the family members had been infected with Trichinella nativa larvae, which caused trichinellosis. These roundworms are typically found in the muscle fibers of cold-adapted species such as bears, moose, boars, and walruses. Freezing usually kills other types of Trichinella, but in this case, the larvae survived. Additionally, because the meat was served rare and not cooked to a sufficient temperature of at least 74C, the larvae were not killed by heat exposure. As a result, three family members, including a 12-year-old, had to be hospitalized. It was also discovered that cross-contamination had occurred, as two individuals who only consumed the vegetables cooked alongside the bear also became infected.

SHOCKING: Family Infected with Flesh-Eating Parasite After Eating Bear Meat!

In a terrifying turn of events, a family has been infected with a dangerous flesh-eating parasite after consuming bear meat. The culprit? Trichinella nativa worms, which burrow their way into the small intestine and grow into fully fledged worms once eaten. These worms then reproduce and spread throughout the body, causing severe symptoms.

In the case of this unfortunate family, the worms made their way into their muscles, but other species of these horrifying parasites can even reach the brain. The consequences of their migration can be devastating, with inflammation of the heart being one of the worst symptoms.

Thankfully, all family members have recovered from this harrowing ordeal. Those who required hospitalization received treatment with the anti-parasitic drug albendazole, while the others were fortunate enough to not require any medication.

Trichinellosis cases are relatively rare in the US, with only seven outbreaks reported between 2016 and 2022. However, it is important to note that most of these outbreaks were linked to the consumption of bear meat. The Centers for Disease Control, which documented the most recent case in its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, issued a stern warning: cooking game meat thoroughly is the only reliable way to eliminate these parasites before consumption.

This incident serves as a valuable lesson for the family involved, who have vowed to never take such risks again. In fact, they went as far as throwing out the rest of the bear meat, ensuring that no one else falls victim to these terrifying worms.

Stay tuned for more updates on this shocking story.