Toddler clings to mum’s body after medics missed deadly heart attack.


Tragic Mum Dies from Heart Attack After Ambulance Service Misses Signs

In a heartbreaking incident, Lauren Page Smith, a 29-year-old mother, tragically passed away from a heart attack after the ambulance service failed to recognize the signs of her deteriorating health. The devastating discovery was made by her two-year-old daughter, who found her lifeless body on the bathroom floor. The young child clung to her mother’s chest, desperately pleading for her to wake up.

Just hours before her collapse on January 6th last year, Lauren had reached out to the emergency hotline, 111, complaining of chest pains and vomiting. An ambulance crew promptly arrived at her Wolverhampton home, but shockingly, the paramedics incorrectly assessed her electrocardiogram (ECG) test results and deemed her condition as non-life-threatening.

Lauren’s mother, Emma Carrington, made the horrifying discovery of her daughter’s lifeless body, with her young granddaughter clinging to her side. A subsequent post-mortem examination revealed that Lauren, who worked as an administrator, had suffered a sudden heart attack caused by a blood clot in her lung.

During the inquest held in November last year, a coroner determined that there were significant failures in Lauren’s care. The West Midlands Ambulance Service has since accepted responsibility for a series of shortcomings leading up to her tragic death and has offered their apologies to the grieving family.

Emma, devastated by the loss of her daughter, expressed her anguish, stating, “Our lives have been absolutely devastated by what happened to Lauren, who had so much to live for and such a bright future in front of her.” She hopes that lessons have been learned from this tragedy and that no other family will have to endure the pain they have experienced. Emma also emphasized the need for the Health and Care Professional Council to thoroughly assess the competence of the paramedics involved.

During the inquest, Emma accused the two paramedics of essentially allowing her daughter to die. She struggled to find words to describe the immense pain her family is going through. Lauren’s untimely death has robbed her daughter of a future and her granddaughter of ever knowing her mother. Emma believes that due to Lauren’s age and calm demeanor, the paramedics underestimated the severity of her condition, resulting in inadequate care.

The inquest revealed that the two paramedics informed Lauren that her ECG reading did not raise any concerns, despite it indicating a likely cardiac event in progress. This revelation further highlights the grave errors made by the ambulance service, ultimately leading to the tragic loss of a young mother’s life.


In a shocking turn of events, a young mother tragically lost her life due to a series of mistakes made by the ambulance service. Lauren Smith, just 29 years old, died of a sudden heart attack caused by a blood clot in her lung. However, it has now been revealed that the ambulance service failed to recognize the signs of her deteriorating condition.

Lauren had been using an auto-diagnostic monitor, which had shown abnormal findings for a woman of her age. Unfortunately, the results were misinterpreted, leading to a fatal misjudgment. Despite feeling unwell, Lauren decided not to go to the hospital based on the information she was given. Tragically, she was found dead at her apartment several hours later by her devastated mother.

The Black Country coroner, Jo Lees, has since issued a prevention of future deaths letter to the ambulance service, expressing concerns over their lack of training. In the letter, the service admitted to failing to investigate Lauren’s condition promptly and thoroughly enough. They also acknowledged their failure to recognize her symptoms and misinterpretation of an ECG scan.

Michael Portman-Hann, an associate with law firm FBC Manby Bowdler, who represents the family, described the case as truly appalling. He emphasized that a number of mistakes ultimately led to the untimely death of a young mother with her whole life ahead of her. The ambulance service has accepted their errors and the significant role they played in this tragedy. Had they managed Lauren’s case properly, she would have been rushed to the hospital and likely survived the heart attack.

Lauren’s family, devastated by her loss, welcomes the ambulance service’s admissions of liability. They hope that these admissions will provide them with some answers and closure. They also urge the service to learn from this tragic case and implement necessary training and policies to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

The West Midlands Ambulance Service has issued an apology to Lauren’s family and expressed their condolences. They have conducted a thorough investigation into the incident and have shared the findings with the family. As a result, they have implemented several changes to prevent such a tragedy from happening again. The service vows to continue their efforts to ensure the safety and well-being of their patients.