Today’s horoscope predictions for your star sign!


Today, Virgo, the alignment of Jupiter with Neptune brings a powerful combination of practicality and spirituality. This cosmic connection urges you to tap into your intuition and trust your instincts. It’s a time to focus on both personal and professional growth, as you find ways to bring your dreams to life. By taking practical steps and putting in the necessary work, you can turn your visions into reality. Embrace this opportunity for expansion and watch as your ambitions flourish, Virgo.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo


The harmonious alignment of Jupiter and Neptune invites you to explore the depths of your creativity, Libra. This celestial partnership encourages you to follow your passions and express yourself in innovative ways. It’s a time to embrace your unique gifts and share them with the world. By tapping into your artistic side and allowing your imagination to soar, you can create something truly remarkable. Trust in the power of your creative spirit and let it guide you towards fulfillment, Libra.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra


Today, Scorpio, the connection between Jupiter and Neptune brings a sense of harmony and balance to your life. This celestial dance encourages you to find peace within yourself and cultivate a deeper sense of spirituality. It’s a time to explore practices such as meditation or yoga, and to connect with like-minded individuals who share your beliefs. By nurturing your inner world, you can create a strong foundation for personal growth and transformation. Embrace this opportunity to delve into your spiritual journey, Scorpio.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio


The alignment of Jupiter with Neptune brings a wave of inspiration and possibility to your life, Sagittarius. This cosmic connection encourages you to dream big and pursue your passions with enthusiasm. It’s a time to take risks, explore new horizons, and expand your boundaries. By embracing this adventurous spirit and following your heart, you can create a life filled with excitement and fulfillment. Trust in the power of your dreams and let them guide you towards a bright future, Sagittarius.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius


Today, Capricorn, the harmonious alignment of Jupiter and Neptune invites you to tap into your intuition and trust your inner guidance. This celestial connection encourages you to find balance between your practicality and your spirituality. It’s a time to take calculated risks and pursue your dreams with determination. By aligning your actions with your deepest desires, you can create a life that is both fulfilling and successful. Embrace this opportunity to manifest your goals and watch as they become a reality, Capricorn.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn


The connection between Jupiter and Neptune brings a sense of expansion and growth to your life, Aquarius. This celestial dance encourages you to embrace your uniqueness and express yourself authentically. It’s a time to let go of any limitations or fears and step into your true power. By following your passions and pursuing your dreams, you can create a life that is aligned with your highest purpose. Trust in the magic of the universe and let it guide you towards greatness, Aquarius.

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius


Today, Pisces, the alignment of Jupiter with Neptune brings a wave of creativity and inspiration to your life. This cosmic connection encourages you to tap into your artistic side and express yourself freely. It’s a time to explore new avenues of self-expression and embrace your unique gifts. By following your passions and listening to your intuition, you can create something truly extraordinary. Trust in your creative abilities and let them guide you towards a life filled with beauty and joy, Pisces.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces.

VIRGO: Your hands-on nature is drawn towards higher pursuits. Feel steered towards a noble cause? You may be ready to join with those who share your goals as passion and purpose unite. Keep your heart open too, especially while traveling, as these journeys may lead to serendipitous encounters with like-minded people, turning them into profound connections you’ll never forget.

LIBRA: Keen to find real fulfilment in your work, Libra? Think about aligning your career with your destiny. The Jupiter/Neptune link encourages you to channel your innate talents into projects that serve the greater good. It’s a call to action to use your skills in ways that resonate deeply with your values, creating harmony between what you do and why you do it. Get ready to shine!

SCORPIO: Eager for soulmate connections and creative collaborations? A rare blend of energies stirs your imagination. Whether it’s a romantic partnership that feels fated or a creative alliance that allows your talents to shine, it’s a time of emotional and artistic growth. Dive deep into these relationships, as they have the potential to transform your world and the way you view it.

SAGITTARIUS: Your sights are set on enhancing your home and lifestyle to match your grandest aspirations. The Jupiter/Neptune tie inspires you to bring to your daily existence elements of your ideal life, blending the mundane with the magnificent. Think of your living space as a canvas for your dreams, as each corner is a reflection of your higher goals. Your visitors will be impressed too.

CAPRICORN: Prepare for a surge in creative and romantic energies. You’re invited into a world where work meets play, and collaborations become opportunities for your imagination to thrive. Embrace projects that challenge your skills and creative spirit. Your love life is filled with depth and delight, attracting a partnership that is spiritually enriching and intellectually stimulating.

AQUARIUS: Keen to turn your home into a sanctuary? The current planetary pairing encourages you to channel your resources into creating a living space that’s comfortable and reflects your style. Spend wisely to beautify and customise it to suit your needs. Each choice could be a step towards creating your ideal set-up. Your home can then be your retreat, so that every corner brings peace and joy.


As Jupiter aligns with Neptune in your sign, the universe is amplifying your power to make your dreams come true. You will find it easier to turn your vague ideas into concrete realities by taking practical steps. Every action you take will be filled with intention and meaning. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who will encourage you on your path to achieving your goals.

Click here for more information on what it means to be a Pisces.