Tina Knowles reveals Beyoncé’s advice for dealing with haters after performance.


Tina Knowles, mother of the iconic Beyoncé, has recently revealed the valuable advice her daughter gave to Blue Ivy Carter regarding dealing with online hate. This comes after Blue Ivy’s remarkable performances on the Renaissance tour, where she showcased her immense talent and stole the show.

In an exclusive interview, Tina Knowles opened up about the wisdom Beyoncé imparted to her young daughter. She emphasized the importance of not letting negative comments and online hate affect her self-esteem and confidence. Beyoncé, being a seasoned performer herself, understands the harsh realities of the entertainment industry and wanted to prepare Blue Ivy for the challenges she may face.

Tina Knowles shared that Beyoncé reminded Blue Ivy that the opinions of others do not define her worth or talent. She encouraged her to stay focused on her artistry and to always believe in herself. This powerful advice serves as a reminder to all young artists that they should never let negativity dim their shine.

The Renaissance tour was a platform for Blue Ivy to showcase her incredible talent and prove that she is a force to be reckoned with. Despite her young age, Blue Ivy’s performances captivated audiences and left them in awe. Her natural stage presence and undeniable talent have undoubtedly been inherited from her superstar parents.

It is heartwarming to see the support and guidance Beyoncé provides to her daughter, ensuring she is equipped to handle the challenges that come with fame. Blue Ivy’s journey in the entertainment industry is just beginning, and with the advice of her mother and her undeniable talent, there is no doubt that she will continue to shine brightly.

Stay tuned for more updates on Blue Ivy Carter’s journey and the incredible performances she has in store for us.