Teacher Rebecca Joynes found guilty of having sex with two pupils.


Maths Teacher Guilty of Sex with Teenage Pupils, One Fathering Her Child

A shocking case has emerged in Salford, Greater Manchester, where a maths teacher, Rebecca Joynes, 30, has been found guilty of engaging in sexual relationships with two teenage pupils. The scandalous affair came to light when one of the boys, aged 15 at the time, made allegations against Joynes.

It has been revealed that Joynes took one of the boys on a shopping spree, splurging on a £350 Gucci belt, before engaging in sexual activities with him at her apartment. The teacher was subsequently arrested and suspended from her job pending investigations.

However, while on bail and still suspended, Joynes shockingly began a relationship with another 15-year-old boy, who later impregnated her. The court heard that Joynes exchanged flirty Snapchat messages with both boys before meeting up with them in person.

The second boy, known as Boy B, testified that the relationship started with kissing and eventually escalated to full sexual intercourse when he turned 16. During discussions about her pregnancy, Joynes allegedly made disturbing threats, claiming she would harm or even kill herself if the relationship ended, or that Boy B would be held responsible if a miscarriage occurred.

During the trial, Joynes made a questionable attempt to gain sympathy from the jury by appearing in court with a pink baby bonnet belonging to their child visibly tucked into her trousers. She claimed that the baby was taken away from her shortly after birth and that she is now only allowed to see the child three times a week.

Joynes vehemently denied having sex with Boy A and argued that she only engaged in sexual activities with Boy B after he turned 16 and left school, which would have been legal. However, by that time, she had already been dismissed from her teaching position.

In her defense, Joynes admitted to allowing Boy A into her apartment and exchanging messages with him but insisted that she did so out of loneliness and a desire for attention following the end of a long-term relationship during the pandemic. She tearfully admitted to letting her guard down and succumbing to the attention she received from the boy.

Michael O’Brien, Joynes’ defense barrister, accused Boy A of lying in order to save face in front of his friends after boasting about his relationship with Joynes.

This scandal has sent shockwaves through the community, raising concerns about the safety and well-being of students in schools. The court’s verdict serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining appropriate boundaries between teachers and their students, and the severe consequences that can result from crossing those boundaries.

Headline: Teacher Guilty of Shocking Sexual Relationship with Boy – Outrage Over Double Standards

In a shocking turn of events, a teacher has been found guilty of engaging in a sexual relationship with a young boy. This scandalous case has sparked outrage as it raises questions about double standards in our society.

The defendant, Joynes, was already on bail for previous charges when she began this illicit affair. However, defense lawyer O’Brien argued that it was a “perfectly legal relationship” and that the teenager had manipulated the dates and exaggerated the situation after it ended.

Prosecutors strongly disagreed, stating that if Joynes were a man and her victims were girls, there would be no sympathy for the defendant. They condemned the discussions around the victims, labeling them as “obscene” and highlighting the lack of empathy.

After a thorough trial, a jury found Joynes guilty of six charges of sexual activity with the boys. Shockingly, two of these incidents occurred while she was in a position of trust, further amplifying the gravity of her actions.

This case has ignited a heated debate about the unequal treatment of male and female perpetrators in cases of sexual abuse. Many are demanding justice and an end to these double standards. It is crucial that we address these issues and ensure that all victims are treated with the same level of seriousness and compassion, regardless of gender.