“Sunak humiliated at PMQs as Tory defects to Labour”


Prime Minister Rishi Sunak faced a scathing PMQs on Wednesday following the Tories’ devastating defeat in the local elections. Keir Starmer took the opportunity to criticize Dover MP Natalie Elphicke for deserting the party just moments before PMQs, adding to the Prime Minister’s humiliation after losing over 500 council seats in last week’s ballot box disaster. Elphicke cited the government’s poor record on housing and border security as the main reasons for her move to Labour. This comes after Dr Dan Poulter, Suffolk Central MP, also quit over the NHS chaos, and Sunak suffered a series of defeats in mayoral races, including Andy Street’s in the West Midlands. In contrast, Labour celebrated victories in several councils and mayoralties, including London, York, and North Yorkshire, which includes the Prime Minister’s own Richmond constituency. Overall, it was a brutal PMQs for Sunak on Wednesday.

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Starmer began the session by questioning the credibility of the government, stating, “If one week a Tory MP, who’s also a doctor, says the Prime Minister can’t be trusted with the NHS and joins Labour, and the next week the Tory MP for Dover, on the front line of the small boats crisis, says the Prime Minister cannot be trusted with our borders and joins Labour, what is the point of this failed government staggering on?” He also highlighted the significant by-election swings that Sunak had faced and asked how many more rejections the Prime Minister needed before he got the message. In response, Sunak dismissed the local elections and emphasized the importance of policy in a general election, referencing advice from Tony Blair, Starmer’s mentor.

In a nutshell, the Prime Minister faced a barrage of criticism during PMQs following the Tories’ poor performance in the local elections. The defection of MPs and the loss of mayoral races added to Sunak’s humiliation. Meanwhile, Labour celebrated victories in various councils and mayoralties. The session was dominated by Starmer’s questioning of the government’s trustworthiness and rumors of a leadership challenge. Sunak defended himself by emphasizing the significance of policy in a general election.


In a heated exchange, Sir Keir Starmer took a swipe at the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, over Labour’s recent victory in North Yorkshire. The PM responded by stating that the people of North Yorkshire value hard work, secure borders, lower taxes, and straight talking common sense. He dismissed Starmer as a virtue-signalling lawyer from North London who won’t deliver on these priorities.


Not one to back down, Starmer hit back by highlighting Labour’s success in various places, including Southampton, the hometown of Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor of the Exchequer. He also mentioned Downing Street in Westminster and Kensington in London. Starmer claimed that no matter where Johnson calls home, his neighbors are supporting the new Labour Party and rejecting him. He accused Johnson of being all talk and no substance, labeling him a dodgy salesman trying to sell a dud.


The exchange between the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition was filled with fiery remarks and personal jabs. Both leaders are trying to sway public opinion and gain support for their respective parties. As the political battle rages on, it remains to be seen how the public will respond to these verbal sparring matches. Stay tuned for more updates on this ongoing feud.