Streaming giants reducing spending could benefit Europe’s broadcasters.


Commercial broadcasters in Europe are facing tough competition from streaming services, according to a report by Ampere Analysis. The report highlights that the growth in content spending by streaming services is slowing down, putting pressure on traditional broadcasters. This trend is indicative of the changing landscape in the media industry, as more viewers turn to online platforms for their entertainment needs.

With the rise of streaming services, commercial broadcasters are finding it increasingly challenging to attract and retain audiences. The report suggests that the slowdown in content spending by streaming services could provide a window of opportunity for traditional broadcasters to regain some ground. However, they will need to adapt their strategies and offerings to cater to the evolving preferences of viewers.

The changing dynamics in the media industry have also led to a shift in consumer behavior. Viewers are now seeking convenience and personalization, which streaming services often provide. This has resulted in a decline in the traditional TV audience, as more people opt for on-demand content. Commercial broadcasters will need to find innovative ways to engage with their target audience and offer unique experiences to stay relevant in this competitive landscape.

The report by Ampere Analysis serves as a wake-up call for commercial broadcasters in Europe. It emphasizes the need for them to embrace the digital revolution and explore new avenues for growth. By investing in original content and leveraging technology, broadcasters can leverage their existing strengths while adapting to the changing preferences of viewers. Only by doing so can they hope to compete effectively with the growing dominance of streaming services in the European market.