STEVE WRIGHT’S DEATH UPDATE: Coroner reveals new details three months later



In a shocking turn of events, it has been revealed that an inquest will not be held for the death of beloved BBC Radio 2 host, Steve Wright. The news comes after the West Minster Coroner’s Court announced that further investigation was not necessary. Fans and co-stars of the late radio personality were devastated by the news of his passing at the age of 69 in February.

The decision by the coroner’s court has left many wondering about the circumstances surrounding Steve’s death. Typically, an inquest is conducted in cases of violent, unnatural, or sudden deaths where the cause remains unknown. However, the court has deemed it unnecessary in this instance. While the Metropolitan Police had previously stated that Steve’s death was not considered suspicious, the exact cause of his passing remains undisclosed.

Emergency services were called to Steve’s flat in Marylebone, London on the morning of February 12. Tragically, they arrived to find him already deceased. The London ambulance spokesperson expressed their sadness, confirming that Steve had been pronounced dead at the scene.

Steve Wright was a beloved figure in the world of radio, having hosted numerous programmes on BBC Radio 1 and Radio 2 for over four decades. His career began in the 1970s when he joined the corporation. Even in his final days, Steve continued to bring joy to his listeners with his Sunday Love Songs show on Radio 2.

The news of Steve’s passing came as a shock to his fans and colleagues alike. Celebrity publicist Gary Farrow shared his belief that Steve died from a broken heart, emphasizing the late host’s deep love for his show and his listeners. The outpouring of tributes following his death is a testament to the impact he had on the industry and the hearts of those who tuned in.

As the investigation into Steve Wright’s death comes to a close, his fans and loved ones are left with unanswered questions. The decision not to hold an inquest raises further curiosity about the circumstances surrounding his passing. In the wake of this news, the memory of Steve’s incredible career and his unwavering passion for radio will continue to live on in the hearts of those who cherished him.


In a shocking revelation, Steve Wright’s brother Lawrence has dismissed claims that the renowned presenter’s death was due to medical negligence. Instead, Lawrence insists that it was Steve’s own lifestyle choices and diet that ultimately led to his untimely demise.

Speaking exclusively to Mail Online, Lawrence stated, “He was aware that he could have looked after himself better, in his lifestyle choices. Obviously we all wish he had.” It seems that Steve neglected important aspects of his health, including diet, nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress management.

Furthermore, Lawrence revealed that Steve was not one to openly discuss any health issues he may have been facing. “Even if he had something wrong with him, he wouldn’t talk about it,” Lawrence added.

The shocking news comes after it was disclosed that Steve had undergone heart surgery just over a year ago. According to his close friend Mark Wells, Steve had been concealing the true extent of his illness. “The recovery from that had gone pretty well though obviously the events of the last couple of days would suggest that’s what in the end came for him,” Wells shared on the Behind The Scenes with Colin Edmonds podcast.

Following the devastating announcement of Steve’s passing, tributes poured in from all corners. BBC Director General Tim Davie expressed his deep sorrow, stating, “All of us at the BBC are heartbroken to hear this terribly sad news. Steve was a truly wonderful broadcaster who has been a huge part of so many of our lives over many decades.”

Davie went on to praise Steve’s professionalism and his ability to connect with his audience. “No-one had more energy to deliver shows that put a smile on audiences’ faces. They loved him deeply. We are thinking of Steve and his family and will miss him terribly.”

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