SHOCKING: 9 Films Banned Abroad for LGBTQ+ Content


Barbie, the iconic doll, faced a ban in Mexico and Saudi Arabia (Picture: Mattel)Barbie, the beloved doll that has been a staple in many children’s toy collections, faced a surprising ban in Mexico and Saudi Arabia. The reason behind the ban was the perception that Barbie promoted unrealistic beauty standards and encouraged materialism. In Mexico, the ban was due to concerns about the negative impact on body image and self-esteem among young girls. Meanwhile, in Saudi Arabia, the ban was based on religious grounds, as some believed that Barbie represented a Western influence that contradicted Islamic values. Despite these bans, Barbie continues to be a popular toy worldwide, with many arguing that she can be a positive role model for young girls.

The Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid faced controversy and bans in different countries (Picture: Disney)The Little Mermaid, a beloved Disney classic, faced controversy and bans in various countries due to its LGBTQ+ themes. The film tells the story of Ariel, a mermaid who falls in love with a human prince. In some countries, the ban was a result of the portrayal of same-sex relationships, as Ariel’s love interest, Prince Eric, is initially unaware of her true identity. The ban was also influenced by the depiction of gender fluidity and non-conformity, as Ariel longs to be part of the human world and sheds her tail for legs. Despite the bans, The Little Mermaid remains a cherished film that has touched the hearts of audiences around the world.


Zootopia faced bans in several countries for its LGBTQ+ themes (Picture: Disney)Zootopia, an animated film that explores themes of diversity and inclusion, faced bans in several countries for its LGBTQ+ themes. The film takes place in a world where anthropomorphic animals live together in harmony, but prejudice and discrimination still exist. The ban was a result of the portrayal of a same-sex couple, voiced by Shakira and Jennifer Lopez, who are shown as loving and supportive partners. The ban was also influenced by the film’s message of acceptance and understanding, which some believed went against traditional values. Despite the bans, Zootopia received critical acclaim for its progressive themes and continues to be celebrated for its positive representation.

Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast faced bans in Malaysia and Russia for its LGBTQ+ themes (Picture: Disney)Beauty and the Beast, a timeless tale of love and acceptance, faced bans in Malaysia and Russia for its LGBTQ+ themes. The film features the character LeFou, who is portrayed as having romantic feelings for the villain, Gaston. The ban in Malaysia was due to concerns that the film promoted homosexuality, which is illegal in the country. In Russia, the ban was a result of the country’s “gay propaganda” law, which prohibits the promotion of non-traditional sexual relationships to minors. Despite the bans, Beauty and the Beast was a box office success and received praise for its message of love and inner beauty.

Toy Story 3

Toy Story 3 faced bans in some countries for its LGBTQ+ themes (Picture: Disney/Pixar)Toy Story 3, a heartwarming film about friendship and growing up, faced bans in some countries for its LGBTQ+ themes. The film features the character Buttercup, a male unicorn toy who is shown as being flamboyant and expressive. The ban was a result of concerns that the character promoted stereotypes and could influence children’s perception of gender roles. Despite the bans, Toy Story 3 was a critical and commercial success, and the character Buttercup remains a beloved part of the Toy Story franchise.


Frozen faced bans in some countries for its LGBTQ+ themes (Picture: Disney)Frozen, a beloved Disney film that captured the hearts of audiences worldwide, faced bans in some countries for its LGBTQ+ themes. The film tells the story of two sisters, Elsa and Anna, and explores themes of self-acceptance and embracing who you truly are. The ban was a result of the perception that Elsa’s journey of self-discovery and empowerment could be interpreted as a metaphor for coming out as LGBTQ+. Despite the bans, Frozen became a cultural phenomenon and received widespread acclaim for its empowering message.


Moana faced bans in some countries for its LGBTQ+ themes (Picture: Disney)Moana, a groundbreaking film that celebrates Polynesian culture and female empowerment, faced bans in some countries for its LGBTQ+ themes. The film features the character Maui, a demigod who is shown as being confident and comfortable in his own skin. The ban was a result of concerns that the character’s portrayal could be seen as promoting non-traditional gender roles. Despite the bans, Moana was a critical and commercial success, and the character Maui became a beloved part of the Disney universe.


Coco faced bans in some countries for its LGBTQ+ themes (Picture: Disney/Pixar)Coco, a heartwarming film that celebrates Mexican culture and the importance of family, faced bans in some countries for its LGBTQ+ themes. The film features the character Ernesto de la Cruz, a famous musician who is revealed to have had a romantic relationship with another man. The ban was a result of concerns that the portrayal of a same-sex relationship could be seen as promoting homosexuality. Despite the bans, Coco received widespread acclaim and won multiple awards for its beautiful storytelling and emotional depth.

In conclusion, these films, ranging from animated classics to modern masterpieces, have faced bans or censorship due to their LGBTQ+ themes. Despite the challenges, they continue to be celebrated for their positive representation and impact on LGBTQ+ lives. Cinema has played a vital role in preserving the history of the community and challenging prejudices, and it is important to continue supporting and championing films that promote diversity and inclusion.

Greta Gerwig’s record-breaking film Barbie faced backlash and was banned in Kuwait and Lebanon. The film was accused of promoting homosexuality and sexual transformation. Lebanese culture minister Mohammad Mortada criticized the movie for contradicting values of faith and morality. He claimed that it encouraged perversity and gender transformation while ridiculing the role of mothers. The Kuwaiti Ministry of Information also deemed the film as promoting ideas and beliefs that are not in line with Kuwaiti society and public order.

In addition to the bans in Kuwait and Lebanon, Barbie was also never released in Vietnam due to a controversial map scene. The National Film Evaluation Council in Vietnam banned the film because it featured a map with a nine-dash line, which represents China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea.

The Toy Story spin-off Lightyear, which focuses on Chris Evans’ Buzz Lightyear, faced bans in the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, and Malaysia. The reason for the ban in these countries was the introduction of an LGBTQ+ character to the franchise. The movie portrayed a sweet romance between Uzo Aduba’s Alisha Hawthorne and Kiko, which led to its non-release in these countries.

While the UAE’s Media Regulatory Office did not provide a specific reason for the ban, it stated that the film violated the country’s media content standards. It is important to note that the UAE criminalizes consensual same-sex sexual activity between adults.

Taika Waititi, who voiced Mo Morrison in the film, praised Disney for its representation of a same-sex love story in the movie. He described it as ‘awesome’ and expressed his hope for a future where it doesn’t have to be a talking point. He emphasized the need to normalize love and applauded studios for taking steps towards that, such as including same-sex relationships in their films.

The second Doctor Strange film, titled “Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness,” faced a ban in Saudi Arabia due to the inclusion of a gay character. The character, America Chavez, played by Xochitl Gomez, is a comic book character who is gay. Benedict Cumberbatch, who portrays Doctor Strange, criticized the ‘repressive regimes’ for their lack of tolerance and highlighted the importance of including characters from different backgrounds.

Cumberbatch expressed his disappointment with the ban, stating that it is expected from repressive regimes. He emphasized that everyone deserves to be included and celebrated for who they are, without being punished for their sexuality. He described the ban as out of step with the progress that society and culture have made globally.

Now onto “Eternals”…

The first openly gay superhero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) faced backlash in the Gulf region. Eternals, which features the character Phaston and his on-screen husband Ben sharing a passionate kiss, was banned in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait. These countries requested edits to the film, but Marvel refused. The ban received criticism, with Angelina Jolie calling it ‘ignorant.’

Lebanon also banned the slasher film Scream VI due to its inclusion of LGBTQ+ characters. The movie features Mindy Meeks-Martin and Anika Kayoko in a relationship, including a brief kiss. Film critic Anis Tabet noted that while Lebanon had previously shown Brokeback Mountain in cinemas, Scream VI faced a ban for its LGBTQ+ characters. The film was praised for its authentic representation.

Disney’s 2021 musical West Side Story faced bans in several Middle Eastern countries, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, and Kuwait. The ban was due to the inclusion of a transgender character named Anybodys, played by non-binary star Iris Menas. Producer Kevin McCollum expressed the belief that love will ultimately triumph, comparing the situation to Shakespeare’s time when theaters were torn down by the Puritans but Shakespeare’s work endured.

Thor: Love and Thunder, the highly anticipated sequel, has faced controversy as it was banned in Malaysia due to its LGBTQ+ elements. Government officials confirmed that the film was not allowed to be screened in the country. The movie features Valkyrie, portrayed by Tessa Thompson, exploring a romantic interest in one of Zeus’ concubines. Additionally, there is a scene where Valkyrie is informed by Korg that he has two fathers, and the Kronan people reproduce through hand-holding over a pit of lava. Despite the ban, the film’s creators stand by their work, believing that love will prevail and the film will be seen globally.

The ban has sparked conversations about the importance of movies like Thor: Love and Thunder. David Alvarez, who played Bernardo in the film, expressed his sadness that such discrimination still exists in the world. He believes that films like this one have multiple messages and layers that resonate with people worldwide. The movie aims to challenge societal beliefs and promote love in a world where hate is often taught. The creators hope that the film will have a transformative impact on people’s belief systems, ultimately promoting unity and love on a global scale.

Despite the ban in Malaysia, the creators of Thor: Love and Thunder remain committed to their artistic vision. They believe that their film, which was made with love and a deep respect for the theater, will overcome any borders and be discovered by audiences worldwide. They acknowledge that certain cultures may not want the film within their borders, but they are confident that love will prevail and the film will find its audience. They emphasize that love is what leads us all on this planet, and that is why they sing.

In conclusion, Thor: Love and Thunder has faced a ban in Malaysia due to its LGBTQ+ elements. The film’s creators believe that love will triumph and the movie will be seen globally. They hope that their work will challenge societal beliefs and promote love in a world where hate is often taught. Despite the ban, they remain committed to their artistic vision and are confident that their film will overcome any borders. They believe that love is the guiding force in our world, and that is why they sing.

Talk To Me, the possession horror film, has caused a stir among fans, but unfortunately, it was banned in Kuwait. The reason behind the ban was the casting of Zoe Terakes, a transgender actor, in the film, even though their transgender identity was never discussed onscreen. This decision comes after the country previously criminalized trans people, but the law was deemed unconstitutional in 2022.

In response to the ban, Terakes took to Instagram to address the issue. They emphasized that their transness and queerness were not mentioned in the film, stating, “I am a trans actor who happened to get the role. I’m not a theme. I’m a person.” Terakes expressed their disappointment in Kuwait’s decision, calling it targeted, dehumanizing, and harmful. They also highlighted the implications this precedent has for the queer and trans community in Kuwait.

The ban on Talk To Me has sparked controversy beyond Kuwait’s borders as well. One Million Moms, an American Conservative group, also called for the film to be banned due to what they considered “blatant LGBTQ+ content.” However, their efforts were unsuccessful. In a statement, the group criticized Marvel Studios for pushing a LGBTQ+ agenda on families through the film. They pointed out various elements in the movie, such as an alien character with two dads, a bisexual goddess kissing another woman’s hand, and a gender-neutral name preference by an Asgardian kid. The group argued that Marvel should focus on entertainment rather than promoting a specific agenda.

Despite the backlash, Talk To Me has garnered a dedicated fanbase. The possession horror film captivated audiences worldwide, but unfortunately, it was not given a chance to be screened in Kuwait due to the controversy surrounding the casting of a transgender actor.

‘Representation is Hope’: Actor’s Powerful Message to Eliminate Trans Actors on Screens

In a heartfelt statement, an actor emphasized the importance of representation and its impact on marginalized communities. They expressed that representation serves as a beacon of hope, a guiding light in the face of adversity. It provides a reason to persevere, a source of comfort in dark times, and a reminder that things can be better.

The actor also addressed the government of Kuwait’s attempt to eliminate trans actors on screens, highlighting the detrimental effect it would have on hope. While this may be the government’s wish, it cannot erase the existence of trans people. However, it would extinguish a significant source of hope for the community. Hope, the actor emphasized, plays a vital role in navigating through hatred, mistreatment, and violence.

As marginalized individuals, they explained, hope is derived from those who have triumphed before us and those who are fighting alongside us. It is a sense of unity and reliance on one another, as cisgender individuals have historically provided little assistance. The actor expressed their sorrow for the trans and queer individuals in Kuwait who have limited places to turn to.

To combat these emotions of anger, sadness, and confusion, the actor suggested supporting the Rainbow Railroad. This organization works tirelessly to provide safety and freedom from persecution for queer and trans individuals worldwide. By donating to this cause, one can make a tangible difference in the lives of those who need it most.

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