Selena Gomez: ‘I Only Hang Out with Levelheaded People Because Girls Are Mean’



In a candid interview with Time, Selena Gomez opened up about her relationships, friendships, and personal struggles. The 31-year-old singer, known for hits like “Love On” and “Same Old Love,” shared that she values close connections with “levelheaded people” who don’t care about her fame.

Gomez expressed her frustration with the competitive nature of female friendships, stating, “It’s a cliché, but girls are mean.” She admitted feeling like an outsider in the “cool girls area” and not knowing where she truly belongs. However, she finds solace in the company of a casting director, a producer, and a real estate agent, who are unfazed by her celebrity status.

Loneliness is a battle that Gomez continues to face, even in the midst of a crowd. “You could be in a crowd of people and still feel alone. I still deal with that,” she confessed. The singer also acknowledged the lingering pain of heartbreak, emphasizing that denying it won’t make it disappear. Instead, she allows herself to have those difficult days.

Surprisingly, Gomez revealed that she had already made plans for motherhood before entering a relationship with Benny Blanco. During her five years of being single, she had decided to adopt a baby at 35. “A lot of people are afraid of being alone, and I probably tortured myself in my head for like two years being alone, and then I kind of accepted it,” she shared. However, her plans changed when she met Blanco, and she acknowledged that love can come unexpectedly.

Gomez also spoke about the strength her new boyfriend possesses in handling criticism and negativity. Despite her own fans sometimes saying hurtful things about her, he remains unaffected by the noise. She admires his ability to tune out the negativity and cherishes every moment with him. While uncertain about the future, Gomez believes that he is here to stay.

It’s refreshing to see a celebrity like Selena Gomez being open and honest about her personal struggles and relationships. Her journey reminds us that fame doesn’t exempt anyone from loneliness or the need for genuine connections.