Rita Ora’s Emotional Reason Behind Launching Typebea: Inspired by Her Mum’s Cancer Journey


Rita Ora and her business partner, beauty entrepreneur Anna Lahey, have created a new haircare range called Typebea. This range, which consists of a shampoo, conditioner, overnight serum, and hair mask, claims to be a root-to-top treatment that promotes hair growth and improves hair health for all hair types. After trying out the products for a week, I was extremely impressed with the results. In fact, I even did a full review and declared it as one of the best celebrity brands I’ve ever tried. I am still using the products after six weeks and can confidently say that my hair looks and feels stronger and healthier. I am experiencing less hair shedding and have noticed new baby hairs sprouting up, indicating increased growth.

Anvita Reddy, Assistant Editor, Commerce, at PS, had the opportunity to sit down with Rita Ora and Anna Lahey to discuss their must-have products. Intrigued by the interview, I asked Anvita to ask Rita a few exclusive questions for us as well. During the interview, Rita reveals that she was inspired to create her own brand after her mother’s cancer journey. She wanted to have a personal connection to the products and be involved in every step of the process. Rita emphasizes that she is not just a face of the brand, but rather has a stake in it.

Rita and Anna were cautious about creating another celebrity brand and wanted to ensure that their products were authentic and unique. Rita explains that she has been asked many times to be the face of other brands, but she wanted to have her DNA in the product. She wanted to be able to explain the ingredients and the extensive process that went into creating the products. Rita expresses her trust in Anna and her team, who have worked together for three years to develop the range.

Both Rita and Anna believe that the products will speak for themselves. They are scientifically proven and each ingredient serves a specific purpose. The range focuses on promoting hair growth. Rita acknowledges that she was aware of the skepticism surrounding celebrity beauty brands, but she is confident in the quality and effectiveness of their products.

No, I don’t think I could have…

Well, a hair product.

Yes, I could have formulated the products on my own. But at the end of the day, this is not a paid partnership. I’m not paying Rita to be the face of this brand. She has skin in the game. That was the only way I was going to do this.

I have 10 years of a beauty entrepreneur journey, she has a 12-year career, which has involved changing her hairstyle in every single way and working with the best global hair artists. And we genuinely like each other. We speak every single day. We hash out problems.

I think I’m a different type of artist. I like to call myself a 360 artist and I made that very clear in the beginning when I started off in music. I had opportunities to do TV and film. My biggest inspirations are Jennifer Lopez, Cher, Madonna, all these people that don’t just do one thing. It was never my idea to just do one thing. I started pretty early in my career doing different things and dibbling and dabbling.

I guess the fear is within yourself. If you really believe in the product there should be no fear.

So important! I think it’s someone’s identity, their hair. I can’t tell you when I go on stage and I don’t look or feel good it ruins my whole show. Also first-handed experiences like my mum’s cancer journey, really made me understand the relationship. She went through chemotherapy, she’s fine now, she lost all of her hair and I could see how depleted she became. I think subconsciously that always stuck with me. I was always so passionate about making sure my hair made me feel good.

I change my mind so much. Anna may never change her mind or her life.

Oh, I’ve gone blonde once, big mistake. She’s been dark for a long time. I’m all for extensions. I might be putting them in on Monday. I’m a big believer in doing whatever you need to do to make yourself feel good, you know, so I cut all my hair off because I wanted to kind of enter this Typebea era, in a really genuine, honest, authentic way and confident way with my hair and I’ve never really had this sort of look before.