Retired teacher threatened by police over leaves in neighbour’s driveway


Retired Teacher Receives Police Warning Over Fallen Leaves

In a shocking turn of events, Lorraine Perro, a 66-year-old retired teacher from Newthorpe, Nottinghamshire, received a letter from the police accusing her of antisocial behavior. The reason? Fallen leaves allegedly blown onto her neighbor’s drive. Perro, who claims the leaves are from trees on nearby parkland that she doesn’t own, was left feeling intimidated and distressed by the warning.

In response to the accusation, Perro took matters into her own hands and built netting around her home to catch the leaves. She expressed her frustration, stating, “I have no convictions and this has caused me major distress. We have a park area where the trees blow onto my drive and my neighbors’ drives. But I’m told by the police that I am responsible. I asked why the police didn’t give warnings to the squirrels and birds as well – the wind blows the leaves around.”

Feeling threatened and violated, Perro decided to take action to protect her property. “I have had to put a net up to prevent leaves being blown about. I feel terribly intimidated by this,” she said. Furthermore, she believes that her rights and freedoms are being infringed upon, as her right to have her garden the way she wants it is being ignored. She also expressed her frustration with the lack of opportunity to respond or defend herself, stating, “You are treated as a culprit, as if you have done something wrong and not given a chance to respond or defend yourself.”

Perro’s case raises questions about the allocation of police resources. She believes that there are more pressing issues that the police should be focusing on instead of fallen leaves. “I am sure the public would like to see a better use of police time and resources in preventing serious crime,” she said.

While the police confirmed that action is taken in cases where fallen leaves, bark, or stones could have reasonably been avoided, they denied that fallen leaves could be covered by the warning. The community is eagerly awaiting further comments from the police regarding this matter.