Restaurant Discriminates Against Disabled Customer


Gavin, a man with cerebral palsy, recently faced discrimination at a restaurant when the manager made a derogatory remark about his disability. Despite his condition, Gavin believes that it does not define him or hinder his ability to enjoy a meal with his father. However, he has always been subjected to judgment, stares, and laughter due to his appearance. Gavin was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at just nine months old, a condition that affects muscle control, coordination, reflexes, and posture.

Cerebral palsy is a term used to describe various neurological conditions that result from brain injuries occurring before, during, or shortly after birth. The effects of cerebral palsy can vary significantly from person to person. In Gavin’s case, he experiences all the symptoms associated with the condition, which often leads to him being overlooked or completely ignored. People tend to approach or speak to whoever is with him instead of engaging with him directly, underestimating his ability to communicate for himself.

Gavin frequently encounters ableism, as demonstrated by an incident at a car dealership where a salesperson spoke to his mother instead of him. Although this didn’t bother him as much when he was younger, it has become increasingly frustrating as he has gotten older. Determined to address the issue, Gavin immediately requested that the salesperson speak to him and be patient with his speech. To his surprise, the salesperson acknowledged his mistake and apologized for his ignorance. However, Gavin believes that such instances of ableism should not still be occurring.

During a dinner outing with his father, Gavin faced another discriminatory encounter. Initially, he and his father considered leaving to avoid causing a scene. However, after a few moments of shock and hurt, Gavin’s father urged him to walk confidently into the restaurant and take a seat while he confronted the manager. His father explained to the manager that Gavin’s cerebral palsy is the reason for his unique gait and directly called out the manager’s ableist behavior.

Gavin has endured constant judgment, stares, and laughter throughout his life due to his appearance. These experiences highlight the need for greater awareness and understanding of disabilities, as well as the importance of treating individuals with respect and dignity regardless of their physical differences.


In a disturbing incident that left patrons stunned, a local restaurant manager was caught in a clear violation of a disabled customer’s rights. The manager’s face displayed a mix of confusion and disbelief as the confrontation unfolded. However, after the incident, there was no further action taken by the manager or the staff.

Despite the hurtful experience, the customer and their party managed to enjoy their meal in peace. However, it is important to note that they were still required to pay for their meal, despite the blatant violation of their rights as a customer. As they prepared to leave, the customer did receive a half-hearted apology, although they still left feeling dehumanized.

This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of upholding and adhering to the Equality Act. Under this act, disability is recognized as a protected characteristic, making any discriminatory behavior illegal. It is essential that businesses and organizations educate themselves on the rights of disabled individuals to avoid similar incidents in the future.

Moving forward, it is crucial that outdated governmental and local authority policies tied to the Equality Act 2010 are regularly updated and modernized. One specific change that should be implemented is the requirement for disability awareness training for all frontline public businesses and organizations. Additionally, society as a whole needs to shift its perspective on disability, understanding that it is the world that should adapt to accommodate individuals with disabilities, rather than expecting them to fit into an inaccessible world.

Creating a more inclusive and knowledgeable society, where individuals with disabilities are treated with dignity, respect, and given equal opportunities, should be our ultimate goal. Only through allyship and support from the wider community can we truly claim to have a united disability community. It is imperative that incidents like this become a thing of the past, and that inclusivity becomes a reality embraced by all.

Let us strive for a future where inclusivity is not just a token or a goal, but a fundamental aspect of our society. Together, we can create a world where everyone, regardless of their abilities, is valued and included.