Pitbull reacts to ‘Bridgerton’ song: “Music is universal”


Pitbull has expressed his excitement over the use of his song in the popular Netflix series Bridgerton. The song was featured in a carriage scene, which debuted on the streaming platform last week. The hit show’s third season has also been released, and fans are eagerly devouring the new episodes.

The Miami-born artist took to social media to share his reaction to the song’s inclusion in the period drama. Pitbull, known for his energetic and catchy tunes, expressed his gratitude and joy at being a part of the Bridgerton experience. Fans of both the show and the artist were thrilled to see the collaboration and praised the choice of the song for the scene.

Bridgerton, created by Chris Van Dusen and produced by Shonda Rhimes, has become a global sensation since its debut. The series, set in Regency-era England, has captivated audiences with its scandalous storylines, lavish costumes, and talented cast. The addition of Pitbull’s song adds a modern twist to the show’s historical setting, creating a unique and unexpected blend of genres.

As the carriage scene featuring Pitbull’s song continues to gain attention, fans are eagerly discussing the significance of the song’s inclusion. Some speculate that it represents a turning point in the storyline, while others simply appreciate the catchy beat and how it enhances the overall viewing experience. Regardless of the interpretation, one thing is clear – Pitbull’s song has left a lasting impression on Bridgerton fans.

With the release of the third season, Bridgerton continues to dominate the streaming landscape. The show’s popularity shows no signs of slowing down, as viewers eagerly await the next installment of scandal, romance, and intrigue. As fans eagerly binge-watch the new episodes, Pitbull’s song serves as a reminder of the show’s ability to surprise and captivate its audience.

In conclusion, Pitbull’s reaction to his song’s feature in Bridgerton’s carriage scene has sparked excitement among fans. The unexpected collaboration between the modern artist and the period drama has created a buzz that further adds to the show’s already immense popularity. As fans continue to enjoy the new episodes, Pitbull’s song serves as a memorable addition to the Bridgerton experience.