Peppa Pig star reveals shocking fan request after 20 years in showbiz


Beloved Peppa Pig Character Reveals Bizarre Fan Requests in Candid Interview

Richard Ridings, best known as Daddy Pig from the popular children’s TV show Peppa Pig, is celebrating 20 years in the iconic role. However, he has managed to keep his true identity a secret from adoring children. While his recognizable voice often surprises young fans in everyday situations like supermarkets, Ridings has had to turn down some peculiar requests that didn’t quite fit his character.

In a recent interview, Ridings reflected on the strange fan requests he has received over the years. One particular request stood out: “There was one weird one actually… about some husband that wanted me to say something to his wife, but I wasn’t sure about that one, it was a bit strange, a bit kinky… I don’t do kinky.” Thankfully, most requests are more innocent, such as clips for birthday parties or Christmas messages.

Despite his fame as Daddy Pig, Ridings still finds it hard to believe that he has become one of the most famous voices of all time. “No, how can you? How can you think such a thing? I still don’t believe it!” he admitted. Surprisingly, it’s not just children who recognize him from his voice. Ridings shared an unexpected encounter during a group Zoom call with music producers. “Someone came and said, ‘Oh my god, I’ve just realized you’re Daddy Pig,’ and someone else chimed in and said, ‘I recognized you from Common as Muck,’ which is a TV series I did years ago. I said, ‘Yeah, but I’m not here for that, I’m here for music!'”

While Ridings is used to being approached by children, he recalled a memorable incident when his daughter was a teenager. “We were shopping in Sainsbury’s, and there was a little girl tugging on her mummy’s shirt, saying ‘I can hear Daddy Pig.’ So every now and then, you get parents saying, ‘Oh, will you say hello,'” he shared.

As Daddy Pig continues to captivate audiences, Ridings remains grateful for the support and adoration he receives from fans. With 20 years under his belt, he has undoubtedly left a lasting impression as one of the most beloved characters in children’s television.

Beloved character Daddy Pig, voiced by Richard Ridings, has captured the hearts of fans worldwide. Despite his fame, Ridings humbly expresses his gratitude for being a part of the phenomenon. The overwhelming response from fans, who fondly remember their own childhood experiences with the show, is a testament to its enduring charm.

Before his role as Daddy Pig, Ridings gained recognition through various television shows such as Red Dwarf, Common As Muck, and Fat Friends. He even portrayed Buck in Rise of the Planet of the Apes, showcasing his talent for animal-related roles. Little did he know that his involvement in Peppa Pig would propel him to even greater heights.

Initially, Ridings found the concept of a pig family a bit peculiar. However, once he witnessed the cleverness of the scripts and the show’s unique wit, everything fell into place. He eagerly embraced the opportunity to be a part of this groundbreaking series, even though he never anticipated its immense global success.

When Peppa Pig was presented to Ridings in 2004, he was shown the scripts and animatronics that the producers had envisioned. Despite their enthusiasm, there was concern that the show might not resonate with audiences. The BBC, having previously rejected a similar show called The Big Knights, was hesitant to take on Peppa Pig. However, the producers persevered and eventually found the right platform for their creation.

Fortunately, their efforts paid off, and Peppa Pig has since become a worldwide phenomenon. It now airs in over 180 territories and has been crowned the most-watched series On Demand in 2020. The journey from initial skepticism to global success is a testament to the enduring appeal of Peppa Pig and its lovable characters.

Beloved Children’s Show Sparks Complaints from Parents

The popular children’s show Peppa Pig has been a hit with kids around the world. However, not all parents are on board with the show’s catchy theme tune. Richard, who voices Daddy Pig on the show, revealed that he has received complaints from parents about the repetitive nature of the theme tune. In the early days, when DVD players were still commonly used in cars, the theme tune would play every five minutes, much to the annoyance of some parents. Although the show has since cut down on the frequency of the theme tune, it seems that some parents still find it bothersome.

Despite working on the show for 20 years, Richard and his co-star Morwenna Banks, who voices Mummy Pig, do not actually record their episodes together. In fact, Richard didn’t even meet some of the other cast members until a few years into the show. However, he did reveal a production secret – all of the cast members have recorded a range of snorts with various options. This attention to detail adds to the authenticity of the characters and their interactions.

Richard also shared his thoughts on Daddy Pig’s role in the show. In the early days, Daddy Pig was involved in most episodes, often attempting various activities and failing at them. Richard believes that children enjoy seeing adults make mistakes and approach challenges with enthusiasm and confidence. Daddy Pig serves as a positive role model, showing love and dedication to his children, even if he doesn’t always get things right.

Looking to the future, Richard expressed his commitment to the show. As long as Peppa Pig continues to be made and he still has a voice, he hopes to remain involved. Being part of the show has been a wonderful experience for him, and he values the positive role model that Daddy Pig represents.

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