Passengers strip on ‘sauna’ plane for three hours


Passengers on a Qatar Airways plane at an airport in Greece were left in a state of distress as they were trapped in a sweltering aircraft. The incident occurred as temperatures in Athens soared to 38C, causing the Hellenic Met Office to issue a warning. Footage shows passengers struggling to breathe and drenched in sweat after being stranded on the tarmac for over three hours. The extreme heat forced the closure of tourist attractions, including the Acropolis, and schools in the Greek capital. The passengers claimed they were left without air conditioning due to a technical fault, leading to a sauna-like environment inside the plane.

Videos circulating online show the horrifying scene inside the aircraft, with red-faced passengers desperately peeling off their clothes to seek relief from the intense heat. Some passengers were seen collapsed in their seats, while others stood above them, fanning their faces. Among the passengers were athletes participating in the IFMA World Muaythai Championships, who were also affected by the unbearable conditions. Fighter Damian Collins was captured on video with beads of sweat dripping from his body.

After enduring the distressing situation, all passengers were eventually allowed to disembark and were taken back to the terminal at Athens International Airport. They were instructed to await further information and assistance. The incident highlights the importance of proper air conditioning and ventilation systems on planes, especially during extreme weather conditions. The airline is expected to investigate the technical fault that led to the uncomfortable and potentially dangerous situation for the passengers.