Olivia Wilde eyes comeback after ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ press tour drama


2022 was a tough year for Olivia Wilde as the drama behind the scenes of her film, Don’t Worry Darling, dominated the headlines. The 40-year-old actress and director has been laying low for the past two years following the lukewarm reception of her second movie. However, it seems she is ready to make a major comeback in Hollywood.

Wilde won’t be facing this journey alone, as she has the support of A-list actress Margot Robbie. Robbie, who is also producing the film, has faith that Wilde will deliver with her third directorial project. The upcoming movie, Naughty, is a Christmas comedy described as “Bridesmaids in the North Pole.” It tells the story of a mother who is on a mission to find Santa Claus in order to help him testify in her child custody hearing.

According to a source, the “new” Olivia Wilde is working her charm with studio executives to prove that she won’t let tabloid stories derail her again. Her plan seems to be working as she has secured a new directing gig with the backing of top producers Margot Robbie and Tom Ackerley, as well as Universal Studios. Despite the criticism, Wilde’s previous film, Don’t Worry Darling, was better than what the critics said, and she is ready to continue fighting for her career.

Wilde faced a feud with Shia LaBeouf, who was initially cast in the film but was later fired and replaced by Harry Styles. During the filming, Wilde and Styles developed a romantic relationship, which created discomfort for some involved, particularly Florence Pugh, who also starred in the movie. Pugh reportedly had issues with Wilde frequently disappearing with Styles. Additionally, LaBeouf released private conversations with Wilde, revealing Pugh’s discomfort with him as her co-star. This tension spilled over onto the red carpet at the Venice Film Festival, where Pugh and Wilde were kept apart due to their feud, and Styles was kept away from Wilde due to their romance. It was a messy situation, but hopefully, lessons have been learned and Wilde will maintain a strictly professional atmosphere on her next project.

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