Netflix launches ‘most hateable TV show ever’ – fans outraged.


Netflix’s new real-estate series, Buying London, has faced severe criticism and received zero-star reviews upon its premiere. The show, which is being hailed as the British version of Selling Sunset, follows property mogul Daniel Daggers and his team of agents at DDRE Global as they navigate London’s luxury property market. With a tagline that promises “Big houses. Big drama. A little less sun,” the series showcases the most expensive and sought-after locations in London, featuring properties worth up to a staggering £20 million.

However, both fans and critics were left unimpressed when the episodes became available on Netflix. The Guardian, in a rare occurrence, gave the show a pitiful zero-star review, describing it as “boring and infuriating” and dubbing it “probably the most hateable TV show ever made.” The review criticized the show’s admiration for billionaires, its name-dropping of celebrities who don’t actually appear, and even the drone footage used, comparing it to footage shot by the Red Arrows.

Netflix UK responded to the harsh critique with a self-deprecating social media post, proudly advertising their star rating. The post, which featured a quote from The Guardian review, read, “Stirring up drama, on and off screen. Buying London is now streaming!” This cheeky marketing move was well-received by fans, with one user expressing amusement at Netflix sharing its own terrible reviews.

The Times, while slightly more sympathetic, still offered a two-star review that highlighted the show’s contrived rivalry, cattiness, and flirting, comparing it to the artificial dialogue in Acorn Antiques. The reviewer also noted their surprise at the fact that incredibly wealthy individuals could still have bad taste. Audiences on social media echoed these sentiments, criticizing the lackluster plots, underwhelming houses, and finding the realtors themselves to be insufferable.

Despite the negative reception, Buying London continues to stream on Netflix, providing viewers with a glimpse into the world of the ultra-rich and their unattainable housing woes.

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‘Love Selling Sunset but hate Buying London,’ says viewer

Viewers are expressing their disappointment with the new show Buying London. Many took to social media to share their thoughts, with one user stating, ‘This is a painful watch… absolutely love Selling Sunset but this isn’t for me.’ Another viewer added, ‘I switched off Buying London at the photoshoot in the first episode, it’s insufferable.’ It seems that the scripted and boring nature of the show is not impressing fans, with one user saying, ‘Buying London is worse than I expected. It is so obviously scripted and boring, one episode is more than enough.’

Critics argue that the show is in poor taste, especially considering the ongoing housing crisis in London and across the UK. One user expressed their frustration, stating, ‘People in London are working long hours and living in subpar conditions, but you think it’s cool to show us the lives of the rich and famous?’ Another viewer added, ‘Netflix is being tone deaf with this show. It makes every young professional living in London want to cancel their subscription.’

Despite the negative feedback, Buying London does have a star-studded cast. Alex Bourne, the ex-husband of S Club 7 singer Rachel Stevens, is featured on the show. He is portrayed as an old friend of another cast member, Daniel, with whom he has competing business interests.

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