NAACP Head Derrick Johnson, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer discuss Hollywood’s impact on 2024 Election.


NAACP President Derrick Johnson and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer have joined forces to discuss the crucial involvement of celebrities in fighting voter apathy during the upcoming 2024 election.

Johnson and Whitmer emphasize the significant impact that well-known figures can have on motivating individuals to exercise their right to vote. By leveraging their influence and platforms, celebrities can effectively combat the indifference that often plagues the electoral process.

During their conversation, the duo highlighted the importance of engaging with communities and utilizing various media channels to reach a wider audience. They stressed the need for celebrities to actively participate in voter registration drives, public service announcements, and other initiatives aimed at increasing voter turnout.

Both Johnson and Whitmer believe that the power of celebrity advocacy can be a game-changer in shaping the political landscape. By utilizing their star power and connecting with their fan base, celebrities can inspire and mobilize millions of voters to actively participate in the democratic process.

As the 2024 election approaches, the conversation between Johnson and Whitmer serves as a reminder of the vital role that celebrities can play in shaping the future of our nation. By harnessing their influence and actively engaging with the public, these well-known figures have the potential to combat voter apathy and ensure a more vibrant and inclusive democracy.