Man forks out £300 to bring Pot Noodles and grill on holiday.


Rebecca and John, a couple who absolutely adore going on vacations, have found themselves at odds when it comes to their culinary preferences. Rebecca is open to trying new foods while on holiday, but her husband John, a 40-year-old lorry driver, refuses to eat anything other than chips. In fact, he is so particular about his meals that he goes to great lengths to bring his own food along, spending an additional £300 on top of their hotel and flight expenses. John packs a suitcase filled with Pot Noodles, crisps, sausages, and sweets, and even brings along a George Foreman grill to cook bacon butties in their hotel room.

Rebecca, a caring wife, initially started packing dried snacks for John three years ago in an attempt to accommodate his picky eating habits. However, as time went on, she had to increase the quantity of food she brought for him. During their trip to Egypt last year, the couple brought along an entire bag filled with 21 Pot Noodles, 86 packets of crisps, two packs of bacon, 30 sausages, cans of tuna, a block of cheese, brown sauce, as well as 30 Club biscuit bars, 16 bags of sweets, and breakfast bars. The British feast cost them an additional £300, on top of the £1,400 they had already spent on their all-inclusive resort.

Despite the extra expenses, Rebecca insists that she doesn’t mind. Her main concern is ensuring that John is eating and enjoying his meals. She explains that he has always been extremely fussy about food, even when they are in the UK. Eating in is always preferable to going out for meals, according to John’s preferences. Rebecca loves food and cooking, so she is content as long as her husband is happy with what he’s eating. In fact, it was her idea to start bringing their own food on holiday, and it has simply become a habit since then. Rebecca even admits that she wouldn’t enjoy their vacations if John wasn’t able to eat his preferred meals. She further reveals that he only eats the food they bring, and on rare occasions, he might nibble on some bread from the hotel restaurant. They have even taken Pot Noodles on boat trips in the past to ensure that John has something he will eat.

A British couple has gained attention for their unique travel habit of bringing their own food on vacation. John and Rebecca, who have been married for 10 years, refuse to eat the local cuisine and instead pack their suitcases full of their favorite snacks and meals. John, a self-proclaimed picky eater, claims he has always preferred traditional English food and dislikes vegetables. To ensure he has access to his preferred meals, he brings his own sausages and bacon, even packing a George Foreman grill to cook them in their hotel room. While this may seem unusual to some, John sees it as a way to have his “home comforts” while traveling.

However, this habit does have its downsides. Rebecca often finds herself dining alone during their trips, as John is unwilling to try new foods. Despite this, she has accepted it as part of their “normal life” and believes her husband will never change his ways. While some may question why they choose to pay for all-inclusive vacations when they bring their own food, John explains that it’s for the “free beer” and that the quality of the food doesn’t matter to him.

Bringing their own food does require careful planning, as a full suitcase of provisions usually lasts them for the duration of their trip. However, they have occasionally run out a day or two before returning home. Despite the extra expense, John sees it as a worthwhile trade-off, as they would spend money on groceries back in England anyway.

While their approach to travel may be unconventional, John and Rebecca have found a way to enjoy their vacations on their own terms. For them, the comfort of familiar food outweighs the experience of trying new dishes from around the world.