Loose Women’s Jane Moore leaves fans speechless after Rishi interview



Prime Minister Rishi Sunak made an appearance on the hit daytime show Loose Women, and viewers were quick to express their surprise at panellist Jane Moore’s lack of involvement in the interview. Taking to social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, fans voiced their opinions on the matter.

One user, @mrsjen2023, commented, “Jane being the only one not to verbally attack the PM while actually asking him interesting questions. #LooseWomen.” However, not everyone agreed, with @newgoldsdream stating, “Jane didn’t ask anything waste of time having her on #loosewomen.”

Speculation arose from user @JULES53685245, who suggested, “Imagine if this was Keir Starmer, Jane Moore would be ranting at him. Never seen her so quiet. #loosewomen.” Another user chimed in, “It’s hard to believe Jane Moore is a journalist with that level of grilling she dished out… ‘Yeh he’s a lovely guy…’ #loosewomen.”

During the interview, the Prime Minister faced tough questions from the panel, which included Jane Moore, Janet Street Porter, Kaye Adams, and Judi Love. Alongside discussing policies, Sunak expressed regret about not being able to dedicate as much time to his family due to the demands of his job.

While Jane Moore remained quiet during the interview, her colleague Janet Street Porter didn’t hold back. Accusing Sunak of “hating pensioners” following the recent Budget, she confronted him with a direct question. “I want to ask you a very simple question: I think you’re a decent man, and work really hard, I think your heart’s in the right place, but why do you hate pensioners?” she fumed.

The audience erupted in applause at Street Porter’s bold statement, leaving Sunak to laugh off the allegation. Although she clarified that her conclusion was based on the Spring Budget, the Prime Minister vehemently defended his record on supporting pensioners, highlighting the Conservative success of the Triple Lock policy.

Sunak managed to regain some support from the audience by emphasizing his commitment to ensuring dignity and respect for hardworking individuals in retirement. “I care deeply about pensioners because I believe in a country where, if you work hard all your life, you should have the dignity and respect that you reserve in retirement. That’s really important to me personally,” he declared.

The Conservative Government is proud of its record when it comes to older voters, according to Rishi Sunak. The Chancellor argued that the party introduced the Triple Lock, ensuring that pensions increase by the highest of inflation, earnings, or 2.5 percent. Despite criticism, the government has protected this policy, resulting in a £900 increase in the state pension. However, Janet interrupted to highlight the rising cost of living and the large amount of unclaimed pension credit. She accused the government of failing to effectively communicate this essential financial support. In response, Sunak pointed out that all pensioners received double Winter Fuel Payments without needing to apply, providing an additional £300 to help cover rising energy costs. The Chancellor defended his decision to focus the Spring Budget on working people and reduce National Insurance, emphasizing the importance of supporting the 30 million individuals who are employed. Loose Women airs on ITV weekdays at 12.30pm.