Lauren’s Killer Revealed in Shocking Coronation Street Week!


Coronation Street Shock: The Truth Behind Lauren’s Disappearance Finally Revealed!

In a week of explosive episodes starting Monday May 27, the truth about what happened to Lauren Bolton (Cait Fitton) will be exposed. The beloved cafe owner, Roy Cropper (David Neilson), was arrested for her murder after she mysteriously vanished from her flat in the precinct. Signs of a struggle, an uneaten sandwich, and bloodstains were left behind, making Roy the prime suspect. However, the recent return of Nathan Curtis (Chris Harper), the man responsible for grooming and raping Bethany Platt (Lucy Fallon) in 2017, has thrown another possible suspect into the mix.

Prepare for a rollercoaster of twists and turns as the shocking truth is finally revealed. We have all the exclusive details you need to know.

Sarah Platt’s Desperate Move to Get Rid of Nathan

Bethany Platt is left traumatized by the return of Nathan Curtis to Weatherfield. She confides in her mother, Sarah (Tina O’Brien), that she can’t bear to stay in the area while Nathan is around. Desperate to protect her daughter, Sarah has already attempted to pay Nathan £10,000 to leave, but he refuses to budge.

At her wits’ end, Sarah hatches a plan. She discovers a hair bobble belonging to Lauren at the Platts’ and finds some hairs tangled in it. Realizing that the police could use this for DNA testing, she decides to plant it in Nathan’s van at the building site.

However, Sarah’s actions do not go unnoticed. She is caught in the act by police officer Kit Green (Jacob Roberts), who urges her to let the police handle the situation.

Will Nathan finally face justice? Tune in to Coronation Street to find out.

Nathan Arrested for Breaching Sexual Harm Prevention Order

In a shocking turn of events, Nathan Curtis has been arrested for breaching his sexual harm prevention order. The news quickly spread through the streets, leaving everyone stunned. The arrest came after Kit discovered USB sticks in Nathan’s van that provided enough evidence to lead to his arrest. But that’s not all – a thorough examination of the van also uncovered one of Lauren’s hairs. Kit believes that Sarah must have dropped it, but he promises to keep her name out of it. As Nathan sits in the police station, he faces tough questioning from DS Swain about his disturbing interest in young girls. However, Nathan remains tight-lipped, answering all questions with a simple ‘no comment’. The tension rises as Joel acts as Nathan’s solicitor, leaving us wondering if there’s more to their connection than meets the eye.

Joel’s Connection to Nathan Raises Suspicions

Speculations have been swirling about a possible connection between solicitor Joel Deering and the evil Nathan Curtis. Some fans have even wondered if the two could be brothers. The suspicions grew stronger when Joel was seen giving flowers to Dee-Dee, similar to the ones Lauren’s mystery ‘boyfriend’ had given her before her disappearance. As Joel agrees to represent Nathan and sits in on the police interviews, questions arise. Is he simply being a good lawyer, or is there something more sinister at play? Dee-Dee is certainly not happy when she learns about Joel’s involvement. Nathan confides in Joel, suspecting that Sarah planted Lauren’s hair in his van. Could Sarah be in danger if Joel is in cahoots with his client? Recent pictures also show Joel fleeing from an abandoned building, leaving us to wonder if he knows more about Lauren’s disappearance than he lets on. The mystery deepens, and all eyes are on Joel.

Roy’s Life Hangs in the Balance

Former associate of Lauren Bolton’s father, Griff Reynolds, is out for revenge. Convinced that Roy is responsible for Lauren’s murder, Griff targets him while both are in Weatherfield prison. Roy is taken aback when he comes face to face with Griff, who has a history of terrorizing Coronation Street. Griff, known for grooming and manipulating others, as well as carrying out racist attacks, pulls out a knife and demands to know what Roy did with Lauren’s body. Despite Roy’s denial of any involvement, Griff becomes more enraged. He presses the knife against Roy’s throat, leaving us all wondering if this will be the end for Roy.

Bobby and Carla Find Themselves in Deep Trouble

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Their futures are in jeopardy as Bobby Crawford’s misguided attempt to help Roy has backfired. Bobby lied to the police, claiming he saw an intruder at Lauren’s flat wearing a balaclava and a dark coat. Carla, although furious, had no choice but to go along with it, causing a rift between her and Roy. DS Lisa Swain becomes suspicious and visits Roy in prison for more information. Based on what Roy says, Bobby is arrested for perverting the course of justice. Carla is warned that her support of Bobby’s lie has only made things worse for Roy. Dee-Dee realizes that she has built Roy’s defense case on a lie, leaving little hope for him.

Bethany and Daniel reach out to Nicky Wheatley, hoping to get in touch with Ellie, who may have information about Lauren’s grooming. Ellie agrees to meet and shares her experience of being showered with gifts by a man who turned abusive. This mirrors what happened to Lauren and Bethany. Bethany shows Ellie a picture of Nathan, hoping for confirmation if it’s the same man.

New pictures have emerged of Bethany and Dee-Dee filming together in the rain, suggesting they may be following a lead related to Lauren’s case. Hope discovers a necklace, which she shows to her sister Ruby. Ruby realizes it doesn’t belong to Hope, raising the possibility that it may belong to Lauren. Could this be the missing clue they’ve been searching for?