Janey Godley ‘worried sick’ as she shares cancer scan update but vows to ‘carry on’ – Tabloid Style


Scottish comedian Janey Goldley, 62, has shared a worrying update on her health. She is currently battling terminal cancer and took to social media to express her concerns. Janey revealed that her cancer markers were “high” and that she is scheduled for a CT scan soon to determine the extent of the disease. Despite her worries, she remains determined to continue performing, with her next show planned in London. Janey’s health update, shared on Twitter, has garnered significant attention, with thousands of retweets, shares, and comments.

In November 2021, Janey was admitted to the hospital for ovarian cancer, which has since been diagnosed as terminal. Although the disease is being managed, she had to cancel tour dates to undergo treatment. While she was informed that she was cancer-free in June 2022, the cancer returned and spread to her peritoneum by the end of the year. Earlier this year, she expressed her gratitude to the NHS staff for their care during her scans and confirmed that her cancer is incurable.

Janey recently shared the results of her latest scan, which showed no change from the previous scan in November 2023. While this may seem like positive news, she clarified that it does not mean she is cured or that the cancer has disappeared. She emphasized that she is still receiving treatment and continues to battle terminal cancer.

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