Is Hellblade 2 worth playing? Black Ops 6 teasers and Doom: Year Zero anticipation!


Have you played Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2? In a recent letter to the Friday letters page, one reader raises the question of whether the Xbox Series X/S is still just a ShooterBox. The reader expresses their hope for a new Splinter Cell game.


Hellblade 2 has been touted as the ultimate Game Pass game, offering players the opportunity to experience it without any additional charge and marvel at its impressive graphics. However, I must admit that I have my doubts. It is a well-known fact that when something is obtained for free, there is often a lack of motivation to fully engage with it or extract its full value.

Personally, I found Hellblade 2 to be incredibly dull. While the graphics are undeniably breathtaking, they mainly consist of rocks. The landscapes, although visually stunning, lack variety and become monotonous after a while. There is one peculiar section in the woods that seems completely pointless and adds no value to the overall experience.

The storyline of Hellblade 2 is confusing, leaving the player unsure of what is real and what is not. The characters are disappointingly basic and cliched, particularly the slaver character. Unfortunately, I cannot delve into further details due to potential spoilers. However, the main issue with the game is simply how tedious it is to play. The combat is overly simplistic and repetitive, and the puzzles offer no variety.

While it may seem advantageous to have played Hellblade 2 for free, I must admit that if that had not been an option, I would not have played it at all. In retrospect, that would have been the preferred choice. The game simply did not warrant my time, and I cannot genuinely recommend it to others.


Opinions on Hellblade 1 varied greatly, and it comes as no surprise that the sequel has elicited similar reactions. As a fan of the original, I have now played the second installment, and I must say that I enjoyed it as well. Admittedly, it may not be as exceptional as its predecessor, as it feels somewhat familiar. Additionally, I preferred how the original story centered more squarely around Senua.

However, I found the combat and puzzles in Hellblade 2 to be significant advancements compared to the first game, particularly the puzzles. Moreover, the visuals are absolutely astonishing. In my opinion, they are the best graphics ever seen in a game, surpassing any competition by a considerable margin.

It is my hope that the inclusion of Hellblade 2 in Game Pass will allow a larger audience to appreciate its magnificence and recognize the superior power of the Xbox Series X in comparison to the PlayStation 5. In fact, I would even welcome the game becoming available on multiple platforms, as it would be intriguing to witness how well the PlayStation 5 handles it. However, this raises the question of whether Microsoft would dedicate sufficient effort to port it. It may seem like an unusual consideration, but if they desire strong sales, it would be a necessary step.

Regarding Bobwallett’s comment, I personally enjoyed Ryse: Son Of Rome and found its combat system to be decent, although not exceptionally deep. In my opinion, it received more criticism than it deserved. While it was fun, it did become somewhat repetitive towards the end.

On the other hand, Hellblade 1 was a visually stunning yet monotonous experience. I struggled to engage with the game and found the puzzles to be tediously unchallenging.

Xbox Racing Game Steal: GRID Legends Deluxe Edition

Calling all Xbox gamers! If you’re in the mood for some thrilling racing action, we’ve got news for you. The highly sought-after GRID Legends Deluxe Edition, complete with all DLC, is now available on the Microsoft store for just £7.99. Yes, you read that right – it’s an absolute steal at this price! Don’t miss out on this incredible deal.

EA Sports WRC on Sale: Grab it for £17.99!

Attention all racing enthusiasts! We have another exciting offer for you. The fantastic EA Sports WRC game is currently on sale for just £17.99. Originally released last November, this game has undergone several updates and improvements, making it even better than before. From enhanced car handling to smoother frame rates, it’s a must-have for any racing fan. And who knows, there might even be some thrilling DLC with additional stages coming later this year. Keep your eyes peeled!

Tomb Raider Remaster: The Buzz is Real!

Yesterday, we were thrilled to come across a captivating letter and its intriguing reply regarding the highly anticipated Tomb Raider remaster physical releases. The excitement is palpable! However, if you’re anything like us and can’t wait any longer, we’ve got good news. The digital release is already available, and let us tell you, it’s everything we’ve ever wanted from a Tomb Raider remaster. Don’t miss out on this epic adventure!

PS: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. Absolute Quality.

By the way, have you heard about Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door? It’s an absolute gem of a game. With its captivating storyline and engaging gameplay, it’s a must-play for any gaming enthusiast. Trust us, you won’t be disappointed!

PPS: Calling All Splinter Cell Fans!

Attention all Splinter Cell fans! We know you’ve been eagerly waiting for a new installment in this beloved series. The question on everyone’s mind is, will our dreams ever come true? Will we ever get a new Splinter Cell game? Let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best. We’re right there with you, eagerly anticipating the day when we can once again step into the shoes of Sam Fisher.


In the world of online shopping, Currys has proven to be a reliable and efficient option. Despite some negative feedback from an Underboxer, my personal experience with Currys was nothing short of excellent. As a first-time user, I was curious to see how my transaction would unfold.

To my surprise, everything went smoothly. Currys typically offers a 25% discount on pre-orders of Nintendo Switch games, so I took advantage of this deal and pre-ordered Paper Mario for just £37.50. Once the reviews were out, I eagerly awaited the arrival of my purchase.

On the day of the game’s launch, my package arrived promptly at 11 am. Currys provided free delivery, complete with tracking information and updates via email and text. They even offered the option to provide delivery instructions in case I wasn’t home. It was a hassle-free experience from start to finish.

What made the deal even sweeter was that my purchase qualified me for a three-month free subscription to Apple TV+ and other services. As a fan of For All Mankind, I was thrilled to finally catch up on the fourth season.

Speaking of gaming, I recently completed Marvel’s Midnight Suns on PlayStation 4. While the game was enjoyable, I did encounter some technical issues. The graphics, in my opinion, seemed somewhat reminiscent of the Xbox 360 era at times. However, the Resident Evil 4 remake proved to be visually superior on last-gen hardware, with minimal compromises. I did notice a minor glitch where smashed vases failed to disappear in the ruined staircase area, but it didn’t significantly impact my overall experience.

One aspect that bothered me was the absence of DLC missions in the complete edition of Midnight Suns. I had assumed they would become available after completing the game, but unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. The store’s handling of this issue has been quite perplexing. However, with my new PlayStation 5, I’m hopeful that transferring the game will make locating the DLC easier.

While the purchase was somewhat costly, with a price of £340 at my local indie store, I managed to save £100 thanks to a generous contribution from one of my housemates. Nevertheless, it still left a significant dent in my budget for the month. It felt as though I had been pinched by one of those formidable lobster monsters from Elden Ring.

With limited funds, I’ve turned my attention to exploring the world of Fallout 4. The latest addition seems to be the Enclave, a formidable force that requires significant effort to defeat, even on the easiest settings. Unfortunately, I haven’t figured out how to transfer my PlayStation 4 saves to the new console, resulting in some technical difficulties and crashes. Nevertheless, I remain optimistic about the overall experience.

Looking ahead, I’m eagerly anticipating the release of this year’s Call of Duty. After the disappointment of Modern Warfare 3, I’m hopeful that Treyarch and Black Ops will deliver a game that pushes the boundaries. However, the teasers released so far have left me craving more information about what we can expect.

Despite the criticism surrounding yearly releases of Call of Duty, I remain a fan when the games are executed well. It has been quite some time since we’ve seen a compelling story campaign, and I hope that Black Ops 6 will bring back that element in a significant way.

In other exciting news, rumors suggest that another installment of Doom is on the horizon, and it may be available on multiple platforms. As a PlayStation 5 owner, I’m thrilled about the prospect of playing it on my console. On the topic of games, I can’t help but notice that the Xbox lineup seems to be heavily focused on first-person shooters. From Call of Duty to Doom, Perfect Dark to Gears of War 6, and even Indiana Jones, it appears that shooters dominate the platform. While there is some variety with games like Avowed, the selection seems limited beyond that.

It’s somewhat comical that the big secret is Blue Dragon, once again. Its presence on the Xbox 360 didn’t make a significant impact, and I doubt it will improve Xbox’s standing in the Japanese market this time around, especially after the recent closure of Tango Gameworks.

As a PlayStation 5 owner, I still find myself tuning in to Xbox showcases, but soon enough, they will feel like any other third-party publisher. While there may be games that catch my interest, I anticipate playing most of them on my PlayStation. With the exception of Doom, none of the upcoming releases have me particularly excited.

On a lighter note, the Paper Mario pre-order display is simply amazing. If Nintendo ever decides to sell it separately, I would gladly pay £10 or more to have it as a collector’s item.

Lastly, I recently came across a trailer for a new Netflix film called Atlas. It reminded me of Titanfall, particularly the dynamic between the pilot and the mech. Has anyone had the chance to watch it yet?