Iman’s Fearless Career Move Changed Industry Standards Forever



Iman, alongside legendary models Tyra Banks, Naomi Campbell, and Cindy Crawford, has cemented her status as one of the biggest icons in the modeling industry. But her journey to the top was far from easy. In a recent interview, she revealed the secret to her success – taking risks and standing up for her worth.

As a Somali girl entering the industry at the age of 19, Iman was fully aware of her value. Her parents instilled in her the importance of self-worth, teaching her that if something doesn’t serve her well, it’s best to walk away. Armed with this mindset, she fearlessly entered the modeling world.

However, as she started receiving job opportunities in the U.S., Iman faced a harsh reality – she was being paid less than her white counterparts. Refusing to accept this injustice, she made a bold decision. “I’m not interested in the Black and white issue,” she told her agent. “I expect the same payment if I am doing the same service as the white model.” And with that, she walked away from every job offer for three whole months.

It wasn’t an easy decision, but Iman knew it was necessary. She believed in her worth and refused to settle for anything less. And her bravery paid off. When she finally returned to work, the industry had no choice but to pay her the same amount as her white counterparts. Her actions created a significant change and reduced the pay discrepancy.

Iman’s story is a testament to the power of standing up for oneself and taking risks. She wants everyone to know that walking away from something that doesn’t treat you well doesn’t mean your life will end. In fact, it can lead to even greater opportunities.

Looking back now, Iman recognizes that her sacrifice not only paid off but also left a lasting legacy. She paved the way for future generations of models to demand equal treatment and pay. Her fearlessness and determination have made her an icon in the industry, inspiring others to never settle for less than they deserve.

In a recent interview with Precious Lee, a renowned model, she shared her thoughts on the concept of beauty and diversity in the industry. She expressed her delight in seeing models like Anok Yai and Adut Akech, as it represents a shift towards inclusivity. According to her, beauty knows no bounds and should not be limited by race or ethnicity. She highlighted the double standards in the industry, where Caucasian models are never criticized for their abundance, while Black models are often reduced to just one representation. She sees this progress as a result of the collective efforts of trailblazers like Pat Cleveland and Naomi Sims, who paved the way for models like herself. She emphasized the importance of keeping the door open for future generations and not closing it behind oneself.

Don’t miss out on seeing all the incredible models who have graced the runway while pregnant. Click here to check them out!