I Tried Masseter Botox and Never Looked Back!


I never thought I would miss it until it was gone, but that’s exactly what happened when I discovered the wonders of masseter botox. Dr. Neesha Patel, a gum and oral health specialist at Pure Periodontics, recommended this treatment to me after I consulted her about my severe gum disease. She explained that my nightly teeth grinding was causing damage to my teeth and gums, and masseter botox could help prevent further harm. Initially, I was hesitant because I have always been an advocate for embracing the natural aging process and avoiding botox. However, Dr. Patel assured me that this particular injection was purely for medical reasons and had nothing to do with altering my appearance. Intrigued, I decided to give it a try.

Considering the medical nature of the treatment, I believed it was crucial to seek out a specialist in the field. That’s why I chose to consult with Dr. Freya Bakko, a plastic surgery trainee with expertise in facial aesthetics. I firmly believe that when considering injectables like fillers or botox, it is just as important to research the practitioner as it is to consider the outcome of the treatment. After corresponding with Dr. Bakko via email and receiving reassurance that the consultation was obligation-free, I felt confident in her abilities and trusted that I was in good hands.

Curious to learn how I, a botox newbie, handled the masseter botox treatment and what surprising results I experienced? Keep reading to find out.

Masseter Botox: The Secret to a Slimmer Face and Headache Relief?

If you’re looking for a botox treatment that goes beyond just reducing wrinkles, then masseter botox might be the answer. Unlike traditional cosmetic botox, masseter botox targets the masseter muscle, which is responsible for chewing and moving our jaw. Dr. Bakko, a renowned expert in the field, explains that the toxin is injected directly into this muscle. To ensure accurate placement, she has her patients bite down hard and clench their jaw, allowing her to feel and visualize the muscle’s outline.

Given the size of the masseter muscle, multiple injections may be necessary. In my case, Dr. Bakko marked four areas along my jaw and cheek for the injections. Although the procedure itself is virtually painless, I did experience slight discomfort in a couple of the injection spots, which quickly subsided. It’s important to note that the full effects of masseter botox may take up to two weeks to become noticeable, and the results typically last for three to four months.

My personal motivation for seeking this treatment was to address my teeth grinding habit, particularly at night when I was unaware of it. Previous attempts with a mouth guard proved ineffective and disrupted my sleep. Understanding that treating my gum disease and straightening my teeth would be futile if I continued to grind them down, I decided to give masseter botox a try.

While teeth grinding is the primary reason for undergoing this treatment, there are additional benefits to consider. Some patients have reported facial slimming and relief from tension headaches. Although these outcomes are not the main focus of masseter botox and Dr. Bakko does not specifically recommend it for these purposes, they can be seen as positive side effects.

If you’re tired of dealing with teeth grinding or are looking for a non-invasive way to slim your face, masseter botox might be worth exploring. Say goodbye to constant jaw tension and hello to a more relaxed and youthful appearance. Consult with a trusted professional like Dr. Bakko to determine if this treatment is right for you.

Treatment Review: Say Goodbye to Teeth Grinding and Tension Headaches

If you’re tired of dealing with teeth grinding and tension headaches, then this treatment might be just what you need. I recently had the opportunity to try it out, and let me tell you, the results were impressive.

The process was quick and painless, taking less than 15 minutes from start to finish. Although I must admit, if you’re not a fan of needles, it’s best to look away during the injections. But trust me, it’s worth it. Each injection only lasts about 10 seconds, and aside from some temporary redness at the injection site, there were no visible signs that I had undergone any treatment.

During my consultation with Dr. Bakko, she wasn’t sure if I would notice a significant difference in terms of facial slimming. However, I did notice a subtle change, which was a pleasant surprise.

At first, I didn’t think much had changed. I did experience a strange sensation of being able to open my jaw wider than before, but I brushed it off as nothing. However, as the weeks went by, I realized that the tension in my jaw had disappeared. It wasn’t until about eight weeks after the treatment that I woke up with the familiar feeling of grinding my teeth and noticed blood on my pillow from my gums. It was then that I realized how much the treatment had actually helped. I had completely forgotten about the tension headaches and jaw pain until they returned.

Now, approaching nine weeks post-treatment, I am eager to have it done again. I won’t be missing any top-ups this time, as I hope it will make the effects last even longer. While I can’t say for certain if it will have long-term benefits for my teeth and gums, the relief from tension is something I will never take for granted again. And let’s not forget about the facial slimming. It’s a bonus that I’m more than happy to embrace.

If you’re interested in trying this treatment, prices can vary depending on the clinic. I personally visited Dr. Freya Bakko at her clinic in Urban Retreat City, where prices start at £300. Trust me, it’s a small price to pay for the relief and confidence it brings.