Hollywood Star Eyes Mayor Gig


Kiefer Sutherland, the famous Jack Bauer actor from the hit series 24, has surprised everyone by revealing his plans to run for Mayor of Skegness. Despite being born in London and raised in California, Kiefer hasn’t forgotten his British roots and has expressed his love for the tiny town on the Lincolnshire coast.

With a population of just 21,000, Skegness is a far cry from the bustling city of Los Angeles where Kiefer currently resides. However, he seems undeterred by the differences in size and climate. In fact, he already has several friends in Skegness and is excited about the prospect of becoming its Mayor.

During an appearance on the Chris Moyles Radio Show, Kiefer discussed his upcoming country music tour in the UK, which coincides with the release of his album Bloor Street in 2022. Chris couldn’t believe it when Kiefer mentioned his mayoral ambitions, jokingly remarking that most people don’t even know where Cleethorpes, a nearby beach town, is located.

Kiefer confidently responded, saying, “You’ll have to come out and that’s a bit of a trip, but I’ve got five friends there, so it looks like I’m winning!” It’s clear that Kiefer is serious about his aspirations and is eager to make a difference in Skegness.

Despite his successful acting career, including his role as the US president in the Netflix series Designated Survivor, Kiefer is ready to take on the challenges of real-life politics. He praised Skegness, highlighting its underestimated Indian restaurant and the extraordinary local musicians he knows.

While it may take some time before Kiefer’s mayoral dreams become a reality, he can contribute to the town’s promotion as a tourist attraction by including it on his upcoming tour. Skegness residents can look forward to the possibility of welcoming a Hollywood icon to their small town in the future.

Kiefer Sutherland, the famous actor known for his roles in movies and TV shows, is bringing his country music tour to Lincolnshire on August 14. Born in the British capital, Kiefer expressed his love for London and shared his fond memories of dining with his co-star Jon Cassar there. He admitted that leaving London after filming was a drag, as it was the only location in 30 years that made him feel sad. Despite the awful weather and traffic jams, Kiefer described the people in London as awesome.

In other news, Kiefer has landed a role in Clint Eastwood’s upcoming movie Juror 2. He secured the part by sending a charming handwritten letter to Eastwood, complimenting his work. This exciting news adds to Kiefer’s already impressive career in showbiz.

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