Hollywood Loan-Outs in Trouble?

The Hollywood Sign Photographed by Michael Buckner on November 11, 2020 in Hollywood, California.

California’s EDD department is taking on the controversial practice of paying workers through loan-out companies instead of directly. The department is challenging the common industry approach, which has long been criticized for its potential to exploit workers and evade taxes. This move by the EDD is expected to have significant implications for the entertainment industry, as it seeks to crack down on these questionable payment arrangements.

Under the current system, many workers in the entertainment sector are paid through loan-out companies, which act as intermediaries between the employer and the worker. This practice has allowed employers to avoid certain legal obligations and costs associated with hiring employees directly. However, critics argue that this arrangement often leaves workers without the same protections and benefits that they would receive as employees.

The EDD’s dispute with this practice is rooted in its belief that many workers who are classified as independent contractors should actually be classified as employees. By challenging the use of loan-out companies, the department hopes to ensure that workers receive the rights and benefits they are entitled to under California labor laws.

This development has sent shockwaves through the entertainment industry, as many production companies and studios heavily rely on the use of loan-out companies to pay their workers. The EDD’s actions could potentially disrupt the way payments are processed and force companies to reevaluate their employment practices.

While some industry insiders argue that the use of loan-out companies is necessary for the flexibility and convenience it provides, others believe that it is a way for employers to exploit workers and avoid their legal responsibilities. The EDD’s move to challenge this practice is seen as a step towards greater fairness and accountability in the industry.

It remains to be seen how this dispute will ultimately play out, but one thing is certain: the EDD’s actions have put the spotlight on an issue that has long been a source of contention within the entertainment sector. As the debate continues, both workers and employers will be closely watching to see how this battle unfolds and what it means for the future of employment practices in California’s entertainment industry.