Hauntii review: spooky monochrome possession!


Hauntii: A Unique and Atmospheric Indie Game

Prepare to be captivated by Hauntii, a new indie game that combines twin-stick shooting with the ability to possess various objects. With its monochrome visuals and hand-drawn art style, reminiscent of Limbo and Journey, Hauntii creates a contemplative and artistic gaming experience.

In this minimalist game, the storyline is left to the player’s imagination, pieced together from cryptic clues. You play as an unnamed ghost navigating Eternity, a rich and bizarre netherworld that features a rollercoaster-filled amusement park called Wickland. Along your journey, you encounter a character known as an Eternian, who disappears but can be summoned back using a magical bell.

As you ascend from Eternity, you’ll have a companion by your side, although the locals express their distrust of Eternians. Hauntii offers two main gameplay elements: twin-stick shooting with blue energy blobs as ammo, and the ability to possess a variety of objects, including animals, trees, street lamps, and more. Each possessed object has unique abilities, adding to the fun and discovery of the game.

Navigating Hauntii requires staying in the light areas to avoid dangers lurking in the darkness. The music, which adds to the game’s chilled and mystical vibe, becomes distorted in dark areas, and purple eyes indicate the presence of predators. Stray too far into the darkness, and you’ll lose a heart from your life gauge.

Despite this, Hauntii is not a linear game. By possessing trees and shaking them, you can illuminate dark areas and reveal hidden paths. Collecting items, such as crystals (used to buy character hats), purple souls, and stars, is a significant aspect of gameplay. Stars, in particular, become the focus of your efforts, as you can trade them at altars to fill in constellations in the night sky. Each completed constellation unveils a minimalistic memory of your past life and unlocks new areas to explore.

In addition, completing constellations grants you key crystals and allows you to upgrade your character’s health and abilities. With each upgrade, you gain more dashes before a cooldown is triggered, enhancing your gameplay experience.

Hauntii is a truly unique and atmospheric indie game that will leave you immersed in its contemplative world. Get ready to possess objects, collect stars, and uncover the mysteries of Eternity.

Hauntii, the highly original indie action puzzler, is capturing the attention of gamers everywhere. With its wonderfully minimal visuals and uniquely beguiling atmosphere, this game is a must-play for those seeking something different. The art style and music contribute to an enjoyably unusual vibe that sets Hauntii apart from other games in its genre.

Exploration and experimentation are key in Hauntii, as players are rewarded for their curiosity. The game features challenging sequences that require twin-stick shooting skills, as well as the ability to possess creatures with the right firepower to defeat specific enemies. Additionally, players can take control of static posts, allowing them to shoot in any direction, which proves invaluable during intense boss battles.

While Hauntii has received much praise, it does have one noticeable flaw. The fixed camera can sometimes work against players, especially when precision is required for twin-stick shooting or platform-style puzzles. However, the game is forgiving in terms of jeopardy, as players respawn at the nearest save point after losing health, albeit with a small deduction of crystals.

Overall, Hauntii is a game that stands out for its originality. Its superb visuals, mind-bending puzzles, and quirky yet inviting mood make it a thought-provoking and atmospheric experience. This indie gem is sure to fire up your imagination and leave a lasting impression. If you’re a fan of games that dare to be different, Hauntii is a ghost of a chance you won’t want to miss.

Rating: 7/10