Graduation speech goes wild – feels like a trip back to the 1600s!


Controversial NFL Kicker Sparks Outrage with Shocking Commencement Speech at Catholic University

In a shocking turn of events, Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker has found himself at the center of a major backlash. The football star recently delivered a commencement speech at Benedictine College in Kansas, which has ignited a firestorm of controversy.

During his speech, Butker made controversial remarks about Joe Biden, women’s roles, and Pride Month. He boldly stated that societal issues such as abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, and the promotion of “degenerate cultural values” are all interconnected. He even criticized President Biden for his public display of Catholic faith while supporting pro-abortion policies.

Butker’s speech took an unexpected turn when he expressed his belief that the graduates would be more excited about marriage and starting families than pursuing successful careers. This statement has raised eyebrows and sparked a heated debate among attendees.

The kicker’s remarks have caused an uproar among various groups, with many condemning his views as archaic and offensive. Critics argue that Butker’s speech perpetuates harmful stereotypes and fails to acknowledge the diverse aspirations and choices of individuals.

As the controversy continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how the Kansas City Chiefs and Benedictine College will respond to the backlash. Butker’s speech serves as a reminder of the ongoing debates surrounding sensitive topics and the importance of fostering inclusivity and understanding in today’s society.

Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker recently delivered a controversial speech at Benedictine College, where he encouraged men to embrace their masculinity and resist societal pressures. He urged the graduates to take on challenges and not settle for easy paths in life. Butker also expressed concern about members of the community who have strayed from their faith and entered into relationships outside of marriage. He even took a swipe at Pride Month, referring to it as the ‘deadly sin sort of pride’. While Butker’s speech has received backlash for being perceived as bigoted, homophobic, and misogynistic, he has always been vocal about his Catholic beliefs during his NFL career.