Glen Powell feared he “ruined” ‘Hidden Figures’


Glen Powell is spilling the beans on how he believed he messed up the acclaimed 2016 movie “Hidden Figures,” which featured A-list stars Octavia Spencer, Taraji P Henson, and Janelle Monáe.

In a recent interview, Powell opened up about his role in the Oscar-nominated film and his personal thoughts on its outcome. The talented actor revealed his concerns about his performance potentially tarnishing the success of “Hidden Figures.”

Powell expressed his admiration for the film’s leading ladies, praising their exceptional talent and undeniable on-screen chemistry. Despite his initial worries, Powell acknowledged the incredible impact of “Hidden Figures” and the important story it told.

The actor’s candid revelations shed light on the behind-the-scenes struggles and insecurities that can plague even the most accomplished performers. Powell’s honesty and vulnerability are a refreshing departure from the usual Hollywood façade.

It’s evident that Powell’s dedication to his craft and commitment to delivering a memorable performance were at the forefront of his mind throughout the filming process. While he may have doubted himself at times, his efforts undoubtedly contributed to the overall success of “Hidden Figures.”

Powell’s refreshingly honest perspective serves as a reminder that even in the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, self-doubt and fear of failure are universal experiences. His willingness to share his insecurities only adds to his likability and relatability as an actor.

In the end, Powell’s concerns about “ruining” the film were unfounded, as “Hidden Figures” went on to receive critical acclaim and multiple award nominations. His role in the movie undoubtedly played a part in its success, further solidifying Powell as a talented and valuable asset to the industry.

As Powell continues to make his mark in Hollywood, it’s clear that his dedication to his craft and his ability to overcome personal doubts will only propel him further in his career. With each new project, he proves himself as a force to be reckoned with, leaving audiences eager to see what he’ll tackle next.