Giovanni Pernice debuts in acting after Strictly exit and ‘abusive’ allegations.


Strictly pro Giovanni Pernice is set to make his big screen debut in the fantasy film Man and Witch: The Dance of a Thousand Steps. This exciting career move comes amidst rumors of Giovanni potentially leaving Strictly Come Dancing due to allegations of poor behavior by former contestants. The BBC has launched an investigation into these claims, but Giovanni has vehemently denied any accusations of abusive or threatening behavior on social media. In the midst of the media storm, Giovanni is stepping into his first movie role, leaving us wondering if Hollywood is in his future.

Man and Witch tells the story of a lonely goatherd who discovers that he has been cursed since birth, preventing him from ever finding a wife. In an attempt to reverse the curse, he strikes a deal with a reclusive witch, portrayed by Tami Stronach. However, in order to break the spell, the goatherd must complete three impossible tasks. One of these tasks involves learning the eponymous dance of a thousand steps, for which the King’s dance master, played by Giovanni, is brought in to teach him.

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He stars alongside some 80s and 90s TV and movie icons in a new film. This marks Tami’s return to the big screen after 40 years, having previously gained fame as the Childlike Empress in the 1984 hit The NeverEnding Story. Tami, who is also a producer on the project, spoke about working with Giovanni, stating that they needed a dance master for the film and it made sense to collaborate with the Strictly Come Dancing world. She had a great experience with Giovanni on set, finding him funny and professional. Tami even choreographed a village dance scene and oversaw the rehearsals. In an exclusive clip, Giovanni showcases his impressive dance moves, including pirouettes and dance-floor grinding with the princess. He is dressed in faux-mediaeval black and silver patterned garments with breeches and a collar ruffle.

Giovanni is part of an all-star cast that includes Sean Astin from Lord of the Rings, Christopher Lloyd from Back to the Future, Jennifer Saunders from Absolutely Fabulous, and comedian Eddie Izzard. Tami credits her husband’s script for attracting such talented actors to the project. Famous individuals who read the script praised it, with one describing it as a poem and another excited to be part of a project that felt authentic and heartfelt. Tami is still amazed by the star-studded ensemble, particularly the UK actors who truly bring the film to life.

Earlier this year, Giovanni’s former Strictly partner Amanda made headlines when she revealed she was seeking legal advice after leaving the show just five weeks in. She claimed to have been diagnosed with mild PTSD and requested video footage of their dance rehearsals. Sources alleged that Amanda had a difficult time with Giovanni’s bullying and abrasive behavior. Laura, Giovanni’s partner in 2016, and Ranvir, his partner in 2020, have also spoken out about negative experiences. Laura reportedly cried daily during training, and Ranvir considered filing a formal complaint. Giovanni took to Instagram to defend himself against these accusations, stating that they were false.

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Giovanni Denies Accusations of Abusive Behavior on Strictly

In a shocking turn of events, Giovanni has found himself at the center of controversy. Allegations have emerged about his dance teaching methods, leaving fans and viewers stunned. But Giovanni is not taking these accusations lightly. He has vehemently denied any suggestion of abusive or threatening behavior.

“I am as surprised as you are by these claims,” Giovanni wrote in a statement. “I want to make it clear that I reject them completely. My focus has always been on helping my dance partners excel and achieve their best. My passion and competitiveness drive me to push them to their limits.”

Fans of Strictly Come Dancing will know that Giovanni is known for his dedication and drive. He has always been ambitious for himself and his dance partners. His ultimate goal is to win, and he will do whatever it takes to make that happen.

Giovanni is determined to clear his name and prove his innocence. He is confident that the truth will prevail and that his reputation will be restored. As this scandal unfolds, we will be closely following the developments and keeping you updated.

If you have any information or insights into this story, we want to hear from you. Contact us with your celebrity stories, videos, or pictures. Together, we can uncover the truth behind these shocking allegations.