French Producers Sign #MeToo Agreement


France’s producer associations and unions have taken a significant step forward in the fight against gender-based and sexual violence and harassment. With unanimous approval, new measures have been implemented to ensure a safer environment within the industry.

These groundbreaking initiatives aim to protect individuals from any form of misconduct, creating a culture of respect and equality. By addressing the pressing issue of gender-based violence, France’s producers are setting an example for the rest of the world to follow.

The unanimous approval of these measures reflects the industry’s commitment to change and the recognition that action must be taken. The goal is to eradicate any form of harassment or violence, making the workplace a safe and inclusive space for all.

This crucial development comes at a time when the entertainment industry is under scrutiny for its treatment of women and marginalized groups. France’s producer associations and unions are taking a proactive stance, leading the way towards a more equitable and just future.

It is important to acknowledge the bravery of those who have come forward to share their experiences and advocate for change. Their voices have been heard, and their stories have sparked a movement that is transforming the industry.

The fight against gender-based and sexual violence and harassment is far from over, but with these new measures in place, France’s producers are taking a significant step towards a more inclusive and respectful industry. It is a collective effort that requires ongoing commitment and vigilance from all stakeholders.

By prioritizing the safety and well-being of its members, France’s producer associations and unions are sending a powerful message: that no one should have to endure harassment or violence in the workplace. This is a landmark moment for the industry, and it is hoped that other countries will follow suit in implementing similar measures to protect their own talent.