Former child star from the 2000s making a comeback in acting with financial support from OnlyFans.


Skins star Megan Prescott is making headlines once again, this time for her unique approach to funding her upcoming one-woman show at the Edinburgh Fringe. The 32-year-old actress, known for her role as Katie Finch in the popular teen drama, has turned to the adult content site OnlyFans to sell full-frontal pictures in order to finance her production. In the show, titled Really Good Exposure, Megan portrays a fictionalized version of herself, a former child star whose career never quite reached the same heights as her Skins days. As she approaches her 30s, the character turns to the adult industry to make ends meet when acting gigs aren’t paying the bills.

Megan, who has also worked as a stripper, is using her own experiences in the entertainment industry to shed light on the treatment of workers and challenge societal stigmas. She aims to address the inconsistencies and biases that exist within these industries. The actress expressed her pride in being able to use her platform to raise awareness and funds for her show. She plans to sell limited-edition images on OnlyFans, with the proceeds covering half of the production costs.

Megan’s decision to join OnlyFans was influenced by her past experiences as a stripper and the need for financial stability during periods of limited acting work. She bravely faced the fear of potential recognition from her Skins days and pursued a path that allowed her to support herself. The actress acknowledges the negative portrayals of sex work in the media and the recent revelations about the dark side of the acting industry. She believes it’s crucial for workers in these fields to have a voice and hopes her show will contribute to the conversation.

Megan Prescott’s Really Good Exposure promises to be a thought-provoking and personal exploration of fame, the adult industry, and societal biases. The actress-turned-activist is determined to challenge the status quo and encourage discussions about the treatment of workers in these industries. With her unique funding approach and her dedication to using her platform for change, Megan is making waves in both the entertainment and advocacy realms.


Megan, known for her role in Skins, turned to OnlyFans to make ends meet during the tough times brought on by the pandemic. The arts industry took a major hit, but Megan found a way to keep going. In an interview with a publication in 2022, she revealed that OnlyFans was her lifeline. Without it, she would have been forced to work multiple menial jobs just to survive.


Megan and her twin sister Kathryn, who played Emily Fitch in Skins, became household names during the show’s run from 2007 to 2013 on Channel 4. The series was a massive hit, launching the careers of actors like Dev Patel and Daniel Kaluuya. Skins brought fame and recognition to its cast, catapulting them into the spotlight.


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