Eurovision star spills long-awaited EastEnders secret


Eurovision superstar Olly Alexander has finally answered the age-old question about the Queen Vic in EastEnders. The Starstruck singer, 33, made a surprise appearance on the BBC One soap, reconnecting with his old friend Johnny Carter. Olly expressed his excitement about the cameo, stating that it was a career highlight for him. He grew up watching EastEnders, which happens to be his mother’s favorite TV show. When asked about the smell of the beloved Queen Vic, Olly revealed that it has an authentic pub smell, reminiscent of leftover beer.

During his time at the local pub, Olly attracted quite a bit of attention. He took photos with young Britney Wainwright and witnessed a surprising proposal. Although there has been speculation about who is popping the question, the details have yet to be revealed. Olly expressed his thrill about making his first appearance on EastEnders and being in the iconic pub. He also mentioned that he wanted to surprise his mother, who is a fan of the show.

Executive Producer Chris Clenshaw explained that inviting Olly to Albert Square was a perfect opportunity when they discovered his love for the show. The EastEnders team hopes that the audience enjoys Olly’s special guest appearance as much as they enjoyed having him on set. Olly’s appearance on the show will precede the grand final of the Eurovision Song Contest, which will be broadcasted on May 11.