Eternal Call Of Duty, Blue Dragon milestone, and Hideo Kojima’s Mad Max – Games Inbox



In a recent letter to the Monday letters page, a concerned reader raised the question of whether datamining is spoiling the excitement of game announcements. This reader went as far as to imagine a world where Xbox exists without Microsoft.

The anticipation surrounding the release of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, developed by Activision, is at an all-time high. However, there are growing concerns that the practice of datamining is taking away the element of surprise from game announcements. As gamers eagerly await the next installment in the popular franchise, some argue that knowing too much about a game before its official announcement can ruin the excitement and sense of discovery.

The reader who wrote the letter to the Monday letters page took their concerns even further, questioning whether Xbox could exist without its parent company, Microsoft. This thought-provoking notion raises interesting questions about the future of the gaming industry and the relationship between major corporations and their flagship gaming consoles.

As the gaming community eagerly awaits the release of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, the debate surrounding datamining and its impact on game announcements continues to grow. Will the game live up to its predecessors and deliver an unforgettable gaming experience? Only time will tell. Stay tuned for more updates on this highly anticipated release.


It’s no secret that Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is set to hit the shelves later this year, and with that comes the inevitable onslaught of leaks that will keep us guessing until its release in the autumn. This cycle seems to repeat itself every year, with the game often ranking among the top-selling titles. But will this ever change?

Microsoft had hinted at the possibility of slowing down the yearly releases before acquiring Activision. However, now that it has become one of Xbox’s main money-makers, those plans seem to have been abandoned. So, is there anything that can truly challenge the popularity of Call of Duty? Will it ever cease to dominate the gaming scene?

Personally, I’m skeptical. Even when faced with lackluster entries like Modern Warfare 3, fans continue to flock to the franchise. While the concept of military shooters may seem easy to replicate, no other game has managed to capture the same level of success as Call of Duty. With each passing year, the mountain for competitors to climb only grows steeper. It’s safe to say that Call of Duty will remain a force to be reckoned with for at least another two decades.

While I agree that leaks and datamining can spoil the fun for fans, I believe the blame lies squarely on the shoulders of publishers. Not only do they make no effort to conceal this information, but the lack of official announcements forces us to seek out leaks for any tidbits of information.

If only we could datamine PlayStation and uncover Sony’s secret plans. But alas, it seems no one is foolish enough to leave their corporate strategies embedded in lines of code for all to see. That privilege is reserved for job advertisements.

And here’s a shocker: Nintendo, once again, remains untouched by dataminers. It’s no surprise that they handle their information with utmost care, while others seem to have a more lax approach.

A recent Reader’s Feature highlighted the disconnect between those in charge of the gaming industry and their lack of personal interest in video games. I would go a step further and argue that the real issue lies in their disregard for the industry’s long-term health. Bobby Kotick, for instance, would likely revel in the industry’s demise if it meant an extra dollar in his pocket. Even figures like Phil Spencer seem to lack genuine concern.

What will they think when they look back on the industry in a decade, only to find it in ruins? The imbalance caused by rushing to acquire Activision Blizzard may have destroyed the future of Xbox hardware. And Jim Ryan, too, may come to regret his decision to prioritize risky live service games, potentially eroding the 30 years of dominance Sony once enjoyed.

The truth is, creatives should be the ones in charge of their own industry. However, they often prove to be ill-equipped for the role. This is not a problem unique to gaming, but it is particularly pronounced within the industry.


The Mad Max game by Avalanche Studios was an absolute hit. Fans are eagerly hoping for a remastered version of the game, including all the DLC that was originally planned. While George Miller, the renowned movie director, deserves respect, it’s clear that his expertise lies in movies, not video games. Many fans believe that Hideo Kojima would not be the ideal choice to develop a Mad Max game, as it would likely be filled with excessive cut scenes and an attempt to impress his idol.


Although I’ve never been on the Kojima hype train, I recognize his talent for directing action scenes. It’s always puzzled me why he hasn’t ventured into directing movies. I must admit, I would be more intrigued by his directorial debut than his next video game.


Kudos to the ex-Avalanche Studios developer who spoke up to defend the game. It has earned a reputation as a cult classic. Despite any shortcomings, I won’t hold it against George Miller, and I eagerly await the release of Furiosa. Mad Max: Fury Road was undeniably phenomenal.


There have been rumors of a Blue Dragon comeback, possibly a remaster. It’s important not to underestimate the influence this game had on Xbox. Microsoft dedicated significant efforts to funding and marketing it, but unfortunately, it didn’t yield the desired results.


Despite being developed by the creator of Final Fantasy, Blue Dragon received mixed reviews. Many believe it was generic and didn’t meet expectations. Perhaps its failure, despite ticking all the right boxes, led Microsoft to give up on Japan and question its worth.


Although it’s just a false rumor, the idea of Microsoft acquiring Valve is unsettling. If it were to happen, it’s likely that the FTC would intervene or, more realistically, Microsoft would face severe consequences for stifling competition in the industry. This could potentially lead to the breakup of Microsoft, with Xbox being forced to operate as a separate entity.


One wonders if Xbox would have better luck as a separate company. It’s becoming increasingly evident that many of their recent decisions are influenced by individuals higher up in the hierarchy. If they were independent, they may not have had the financial means to acquire companies like Activision Blizzard or even sustain Game Pass.


Despite the criticism he is currently facing, Phil Spencer still garners respect. It’s believed that if he were making decisions on his own, he would have a better chance at finding success. Furthermore, without the safety net of Microsoft’s unlimited funds, he would have had to build up first-party studios more swiftly and organically.


Ironically, having too much money may be Xbox’s biggest obstacle. The knowledge that they can always rely on their parent company’s resources has hindered their progress rather than aiding it. Unfortunately, the damage has already been done.


I wanted to commend you on your review of Little Kitty, Big City. It’s impressive that you managed to refrain from making any cat-related puns, which is no easy task for a journalist. Overall, the game seems like a fun little adventure, although not quite purrfect.

Xbox Summer Showcase Rumors: Mixed Signals and Multiformat Games

In just a few weeks, the highly anticipated Xbox Summer Showcase will take place. According to rumors, this event is expected to be a hot mess, with conflicting messages about the future of Xbox in the gaming industry. There’s also talk about the need for more multiformat games. It’s quite baffling to me, considering that Microsoft has an impressive lineup of diverse and captivating games set to release this year. In contrast, both Sony and Nintendo seem to have nothing noteworthy planned for the rest of the year. You would think that this would be a moment of relief for Xbox, a chance to regain some ground. However, there’s a catch.

Microsoft, unlike Nintendo, has struggled to produce the kind of top-tier games that can propel a console to new heights. While they have some promising titles on the horizon, such as Hellblade 2, Avowed, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, and Indiana Jones And The Great Circle, it remains to be seen if they can deliver the quality necessary to make a significant impact.

Hellblade 2, for instance, is a game that divides opinions. Some find little entertainment in it, while others appreciate its exceptional visuals and storytelling, despite its average gameplay. Avowed, developed by Obsidian, carries the legacy of beloved titles like Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic 2, Fallout: New Vegas, South Park: The Stick Of Truth, and The Outer Wilds. It should be a dream come true for role-playing enthusiasts. However, there seems to be a surprising lack of enthusiasm online and among critics.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, on the other hand, has the potential to be a remarkable game. With the original game being highly regarded and the involvement of a Ukrainian developer, there should be a massive buzz surrounding it. And let’s not forget about the upcoming Indiana Jones game developed by MachineGames. The idea of experiencing Indiana Jones in a first-person perspective is enough to make fans want to throw their money at it.

If everything falls into place, Microsoft’s first-party lineup could potentially include three games with Metacritic scores above 90% and one with a score above 80%. However, given Microsoft’s track record, there’s always a chance that one of these games will be disappointing (please, not Indiana Jones) and the others may turn out to be average titles with scores around 70%.

Switch 2 Predictions: Enhanced Version with Upscaled Games

As for the Switch 2, my predictions are quite straightforward. I believe it will be an upgraded version of the current Switch, offering enhanced features and improved upscaling capabilities for existing games. That’s all there is to it.

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door: The Best Nintendo Game

Lastly, I couldn’t agree more with the sentiment that Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is the best Nintendo game. I’m currently playing the remake, and it’s everything that this incredible game deserves.