‘Elementary’ Review: Claire Simon’s Compassionate Study of French Public Education


In a shocking new documentary titled ‘Elementary’ (‘Apprendre’), filmmaker Claire Simon takes a deep dive into the inner workings of a primary school located in a gritty suburb of the City of Love, Paris. Simon’s unflinching lens captures the raw and unfiltered reality of daily life within the school’s walls.

The film exposes the harsh realities faced by both students and teachers alike, shedding light on the challenges they encounter in their pursuit of education. From overcrowded classrooms to limited resources, ‘Elementary’ paints a vivid picture of the uphill battle these individuals face on a daily basis.

Simon’s camera captures heartwarming moments of triumph and resilience as students navigate the complexities of their education journey. Their unwavering determination to overcome the odds is truly inspiring, reminding us all of the power of education in transforming lives.

Through her masterful storytelling, Simon brings to light the stark contrasts between the idyllic image of Paris and the harsh realities experienced by those living in its suburbs. ‘Elementary’ serves as a wake-up call, urging society to address the systemic issues that hinder the educational opportunities of marginalized communities.

This gripping documentary is a must-watch for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by students and educators in underprivileged areas. ‘Elementary’ serves as a powerful reminder that education is not a privilege, but a fundamental right that every child deserves.